Another drabble! [ryo x massu]

Oct 24, 2008 22:12

... I am such a failure. Apparently I wrote this over a week ago and, despite it being more or less finished, never posted it. Haha, I suck. Anyway, have a drabble!

Space [ryo x massu]

Ryo liked sitting next to Massu because Massu didn't do much on car rides, more content to listen to his headphones or space out. He generally wasn't chatty like Koyama or impish and demandingly hyper like Tegoshi or Pi. Plus he wasn't likely to fall asleep on you like Shige. No, Massu knew the value of silence and personal space and Ryo begrudgingly respected that of him.

It was one such occasion when they were all packed in the van taking them from the concert venue to the hotel rooms awaiting them. Tegoshi and Pi were sitting up front chattering away like a pair of monkeys discussing the best way to peel a banana. Behind them in the next row were Koyama and Shige. The older of the best friend duo seemed to be in the middle of a very detailed description of a conversation he'd had with some important senpai or another. Every now and then he'd pause and look at Shige curiously who would then, on cue, grunt to the affirmative, assuring Koyama that, yes, he was paying attention and, no, he wasn't asleep yet despite the lolling head and rapidly drooping eyelids.

This left the back seat to him and Massu. Ryo had made a conscious effort to achieve this goal, following Massu like a shadow when they entered the van lest Tegoshi or Shige beat him there. He had convinced himself that it was for Massu's sake as well, as the younger boy looked about as wiped out as he felt. Not that Ryo cared or anything.

Ryo yawned and moved his shoulders, trying to stretch without touching anything in this confined space. Massu had caught the movement and smiled sympathetically. He removed his headphones. "Tired?"

Of course Ryo was tired. He was always tired. Sometimes it sucked being one of the more active members in NEWS (only Yamapi, NEWS's resident golden boy, beat him, he wagered. And even then sometimes only by the smallest of fractions.) But he was too tired to bring himself to snap at Massu about always being tired and just nodded wearily as he rubbed his eyes. "Yeah."

Massu gave him a meaningful nod before going in to deep contemplation. Ryo could always tell when Massu was thinking because his eyebrows would knit together a certain way and he'd do this funny little thing with his mouth. Not that Ryo watched or anything.

Ryo was perfectly content to leave his band mate to his thoughts when he felt the smallest of nudges against his side. He gave Massu a quizzical look. That silly sympathetic smile was back. It took a few more nudges and encouraging glances before Ryo realized that Massu was offering him his shoulder.

His point made, Massu looked away, putting his headphones back on and staring off in to nothing. His shoulder, however, remained in the same place.

Ryo liked sitting next to Massu because Massu understood silence and personal space. So when the only reaction he received upon nestling his head against the offered shoulder was a small smile he found himself perfectly at ease.

drabble, news, p: masuda takahisa/nishikido ryo

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