
Jul 30, 2008 20:41

I got my wisdom teeth out earlier, and honestly feel fine, ever since leaving the doctor's office.

I'm not even swollen. But my whole mouth is numb & it feels weird.

Tomorrow might be a different story though.

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Comments 2

brokensunday July 31 2008, 00:52:30 UTC
wish i could give some advice, but it's been like 6 or 7 years since i had mine out. all i remember is getting really fucked up from the valium.

good luckkk


coldblueska August 1 2008, 00:56:32 UTC
I've been doing excellent since the surgery. Recently, I've eating mashed potatoes and yogurt and apple sauce and miso soup. I can't wait to eat real people food again.

I'm not even taking the drugs they gave me, only some aspirin. There is seriously no pain.

The only pain is me being so hungry all the time. I want real food again!


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