(no subject)

Nov 12, 2004 19:42

blank = no, x = yes, - = maybe, sort of, sometimes
[] gotten drunk?
[] smoked pot?
[] been in love?
[] made yourself throw up on purpose?
[] backstabbed a friend?
[] had a friend backstab you?
[-] liked someone just for looks?
[x] liked someone just for personality?
[x] jumped and screamed through a scary movie?
[x] been in the principal's office?
[x] thrown up in front of people?
[x] threw up on someone? my kindergarden teacher
[x] spilled a drink at a restaurant?
[x] read dating tips in fashion magazines?
[] shot up heroin?
[] snorted coke?
[x] regreted something?
[x] liked someone who wasn't single?
[x] been to a psychologist?
[] been to a dermatologist?
[x] had a blood test?
[x] had an infection?
[] had the flu?
[] broken a bone?
[x] sprained a muscle?
[x] lied to your parents?
[] snuck out at night?
[] snuck someone in at night?
[] got caught?
[x] been to a concert?
[] been to a club underage?
[-] been obsessed with someone? (not really obsessed)
[x] questioned your faith?
[x] been to a church?
[x] said a prayer?
[x] been angry at God?
[x] felt depressed?
[x] felt used?
[x] been out of state?
[] to Europe?
[x] out of the country?
[x] been to an island?
[] been beaten by your parents?
[x] had someone very close to you die?
[x] had someone you know die?
[] got hit with a bottle over the head?
[] been taken advantage of in any way when you were drunk?
[] been slapped by the oposite sex?
[x] been punched/hit by the oposite sex?
[x] hit the opposite sex?
[] killed someone?
[x] ever eaten pumpkin pie?
[x] celebrated halloween?
[] had your heart broken?
[] had a surprise party?
[x] got a birthday gift from a friend?
[] believe in pre marital sex?
[x] do not believe in pre marital sex?
[x] want to get married?
[x] want to have kids?
[] want to get drunk right now?
[] want to shoot heroin right now?
[] want to get wasted right now?
[x] wanted to model?
[] wanted to be a lawyer?
[x] wanted to be a doctor?
[x] wanted to be an actress?
[] wanted to be a business owner?
[x] wanted to be a photographer?
[] had a craving for sushi?
[x] had a craving for chocolate?
[] starved yourself?
[] stopped eating, unintentionally?
[] eaten a worm?
[] swallowed a fly?
[x] held hands with a friend in general?
[] lead someone on, purposely?
[] been lead on?
[] used someone?
[-] truly hated someone?
[x] disliked someone?
[x] been kicked out of somewhere?
[x] been threatened to be kicked out of somewhere?
[x] cried over someone of the opposite sex?
[] broken someone's heart?
[] snorted pixie sticks?

[] have a bf
[] have a gf
[-] have a crush
[x] feel loved
[-] feel lonely
[x] feel happy
[] hate yourself
[] think you're attractive
[x] have a dog
[x] have your own room
[] listen to rap
[x] listen to rock
[] listen to soul
[] listen to techno
[] listen to reggae
[] listen to metal
[-] paint your nails
[x] have more than one best friend
[x] get good grades
[x] play an instrument
[x] have slippers
[] wear boxers
[] wear black eyeliner
[x] like the color blue
[x] like the color yellow
[] cyber
[?] claim
[x] like to read
[x] like to write
[x] have long hair
[] have short hair
[x] have a cell phone
[] have a laptop
[] have a pager

[] ugly
[] pretty
[x] ok
[-] bored
[x] happy
[-] bilingual
[x] white
[] black
[] asian
[] mexican
[x] short
[] tall
[] grounded
[] sick
[x] lazy
[x] single
[x] looking
[x] talking to someone
[] IMing someone
[] scared to die
[] tired
[] sleepy
[] annoyed
[] hungry
[] thirsty
[]on the phone
[] in your room
[] drinking something
[] eating something
[] in your pjs
[xxxx] ticklish
[x] listening to music
[] homophobic (cough tina cough)
[] racist


001) What time did you start this?: 7:49
002) Name?: Kelly
003) Date of birth?: July 29, 1989
004) Sex?: girl
005) Height?: 5'3" ish
006) Eye color?: grey/blue
007) Weight?: no idea
008) Location?: Marietta
009) Do you currently love anyone?: my dog?
010) Do you have crush on someone?: maybe..
011) Do you have a bf/gf?: no
012) How long have you been together?:
013) What are you wearing right now?: jeans, shallowford falls foxy foxes tshirt, socks
014) Would you have sex before marriage?: no
015) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: ew.
017) Do you smoke?: no
018) Do you drink?: no
019) Are you Ghetto?: no
020) Are you a player?: ha no
021) What are your favorite colors?: blue
022) What is your favorite animal?: turtle
023) Do you have any birthmarks?: three
024) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: no
025) Who are your best friends?: abby, tina, kristen, janelle, caroline, heather, and katie
026) Have you ever beat someone up?: no
027) Have you ever been slapped?: yeah
028) Do you get online a lot?: i used to before it died
029) Are you shy or outgoing?: depends on my mood
030) Do you shower?: yeah.
031) Do you hate school?: sometimes
032) Do you have a social life?: yeah
033) How easily do you trust people?: pretty easily
034) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: not intentionally..?
035) Do you have a secret people don't know?: yeah
036) Would you ever sky Dive? if you pushed me
037) Do you like to dance?: sometimes
038) Have you ever been out of state?: yeah
039) Do you like to travel?: yup
040) Have you ever been suspended from school?: no
041) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: yes
042) Are you a brat?: hopefully not
043) Have you ever been dumped?: once
044) What's your favorite drink?: raspberry gingerale
045) Do you like Snapple?: its ok
046) Do you drink a lot of water?: not really
047) What toothpaste do you use?: colgate
048) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: a cellphone that i never use
049) Do you have a curfew?: 11-12ish
050) Who do you look up to?: no one in particular
051) Are you a role model?: haha no
052) What name brand do you wear the most?: dunno
053) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: earings, bracelet
054) What do you have pierced?: ears, once
055) What do you want pierced?: nothing else
056) Do you like taking pictures?: yeah
057) Do you like getting your picture taken?: sometimes
058) Do you have a tan?: i have a sock tan
059) Do you get annoyed easily?: when im in a bad mood
060) Have you ever started a rumor?: maybe
061) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: cell
062) Do you have your own pool?: no
063) Do you have any siblings?: half
064) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: ....
065) Have you ever been played?: no..?
066) Have you ever played someone?: dont think so
067) Do you get along with your parents?: sometimes
068) How do you vent your anger?: sleep
069) Have you ever run away?: when i was five
070) Have you ever been fired from a job?: no
071) Do you even have a job?: no
072) Do you daydream a lot?: yep
073) Do you have a lot of ex’s?: no
074) Do you run your mouth?: ?
075) What do you want a tattoo of?: nothing
076) What do you have a tattoo of?: ...
077) What are your favorite flowers?: roses or daisies...i guess
078) What does your ex bf/gf look like?: mmm no
079) What does your most recent crush look like?: welll
080) Have you ever been bitched out?: by mr lynch in 8th grade
081) When was the last time you bitched someone out?: mmmm never
082) Are you rude?: i dont think so
083) What was the last compliment you received?: "i like your jacket" my bus driver
084) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: innie
085) Are you flexible?: not really
086) What is your heritage?: irish/english
087) What does your hair look like right now?: pony tail
088) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: nooo
089) When was your last real heartbreak?: ??
090) Describe your looks?: short, blonde hair, blue eyes
091) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: brown
092) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: maybe
093) Would you ever date someone older than you?: yeah
094) When was the last time you were drunk?: never
095) When was the last time you went on a date?: hmmm
096) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: no
097) Do you have one now?: no
098) How many rings until you answer the phone?: how every many it takes for me to get there
099) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: no
100) Do you look more like your mother or father?: my mom
101) Do you cry a lot?: no..
102) Do you ever cry to get your way?: maybe once
103) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: ?
104) What phrase do you use most on the phone?: hello
105) Are you the romantic type?: yeah
106) Have you ever been chased by cops?: no
107) What do you like most about your body?: ?
108) What do you like least about your body?:  ?
109) When was the last time you threw up?: when i had food poisoning from bagel bites
110) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: either
111) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: brown and beat up... oh and john's signature is on the bottom of them
112) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: no
113) What about cleavage?: no
114) Is your best friend a virgin?: yes
115) Have you ever fucked someone up?: no
116) Have you ever been fucked up?: no
117) What color are your underwear right now?: blue
118) What theme does your room have?: pictures everywhere...
119) What size shoe do you wear?: 7 1/2
120) What jewelry are you wearing now?: ring, punchout bracelet, earrings
121) What is your screen name on AIM?: RubberDuckaUrDa1 (when i can get on)
122) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: no
123) How are you feeling right now?: okay i guess
124) When was the last time you were at a party?: carolines..a month ago?
125) Have you ever given a lap dance?: no
126) What do you sleep in?: pajamas
127) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: dont think so
128) What is one of your bad qualities?: procrastination
129) What is one of your good qualities?: ?
130) Would you marry for money?: no
131) What do you drive?: nothing
132) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: mom. definately
133) When was the last time you cried in school?: Ms Slominski...grr
134) Do you wear Chucks?: maybe if i knew what they were
135) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: noooo
136) What time is it now?: 8:10

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