vocab update

Apr 25, 2007 09:30

People: Tiii, Mama, Dada, Poppy, Babar, Nea, Emma, Dave, Sheila, Barb, “me”, girl, man (13)

Objects: shoes, ball, balloon, bubbles, choo-choo, baby, boot, soap (also covers lotion), eye, biki (binkie), bini (blankie), block, box, step, sock, Roomba, chair, flower, mail, barn, tractor, car, fock (truck), sweater, chair, car, bat, hat, pee pee, potty, bus, glasses, tree, water, moon, broom, “doo doo dock”, key, wagon, house, bike, sun, moon, pants (44)

Sounds: hi, bye-bye, woof, wheeee, uh-oh, ouch, quack, hi-ho, baa, yum, EIEIO, beep, boom, Happy Birthday to You (tune), cha-cha-cha, woah, wow, roar, Ooooo Snuggle Puppy of Mine, coo-doo (cock-a-doodle-doo), nook nook (the Pingu honk), ming! (sound of the toaster dinging), bzz, boo!, brrrr, vroom, moo (27)

Exclamations: MINE, Ssssh!, More, NO, Out, Please, All Done, ow, yay!, yes (only for Poppy), hola, “I don’ wanna!” (12)

Creatures: Doggie, fish, Duck, Bear, Horsie, Kitty Cat (ghee ga) (Kitty Cat covers lemurs and squirrels, too), Bunny, Bee, Firefly, froggie, elephant, cow, geese, mice, bird, “baby seal”, gorilla, armadillo, turtle, goat (20)

Descriptions: brother, funny, pretty, inair (in there), diz! (there it is!), blue, purple, bad, yellow, happy, wet (11)

Verbs: help, marching (as in, "We are the dinosaurs, marching, marching"), jump, run, share, shake, Row (as in, "Play Row Row Row Your Boat with me, NOW."), Up, Down, Eat, Sit, Zip, Go!, See?, Here go, cut (16)

Foods: food, Booty, choccie, apple, cheese, quiche, broccoli, juice (Tea is "Mama juice"), banana, pizza, pear, spaghetti (gitti) (12)

Numbers: four, five, foo (two), fee (three) (4)

Word count: ~159
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