This is the end of the world.
This is most likely the end of the world.
This might be the end of the world.
This probably isn't the end of the world.
This isn't as bad as I think it is.
I can't even THINK about
this or
or fucking anything.
I can't admit it. I shouldn't have admitted it. Miley knows. And everyone thinks Miley's dumb as a bag of hammers but there's something up there that knows how to put two and two together and oh god christ jesus fucking kettledrum. And fucking Raviv. I don't even want to think about what he's thinking
I can't say it to myself. It shouldn't be a big of a deal as it is in my head. It shouldn't matter to me as much as it does. Would it change me? Would I be the same? Would any of this matter?
Why did I tell him, of all people? Of all people. This fucking vulnerability thing has got to go.
It was a bad idea to go online tonight.
but really
What am I so scared of admitting?
What is wrong with me?
2009 cannot come soon enough.