There's always so much to be said, yet I never want to actually go on and type anything. It just feels so lame and cliched and, I don't know, girly to do that. But this is my journal, isn't it?
Why do I have to keep reassuring myself of that?
As it turns out, Aly isn't okay with Things and I was right of course. She should hate me. She should hate the world. It's like, my fault. I can't be mad at her (even if her relationship with Raviv was going to end anyway) because I mean, hello. I'd react the same way.
It's just frustrating, I guess. Especially since now I need to downplay this thing I have with him. Like, it's nothing. Like, it's just casual. Like, the however long we've been together is just not important and doesn't matter.
But I can't stop myself from thinking. I would resent me, too.
I don't know where I found this. But, you know.
This is going to be random, but... is... is this wrong? You know what I mean. Just tell me to shut up. I don't know.
Daisy Buchanan
I would appreciate your advice on something. Please. Please. I'll buy you some flip flops or something. Come onnn you know you want to.
Things I find interesting but never get the opportunity to talk about (with good reason):
1. Did you know that if you mis-type when you're bringing up Google in a new tab, if you spell it or even it still goes to the same place? Interesting.
2. Work hardly feels like work when you don't have to go to school at the same time. What's up, summer?
3. If someone bets you like 50 bucks that you will get addicted to The Sims with just one session and you think you won't? Don't take that bet. You will lose. I need to go check on the few families I've made..
4. Metalocalypse. Metalocalypse. Watch it. Seriously it takes like fifteen minutes an episode. It's so good. And so funny. And, actually, probably a bit too gory for some people. Some people being most girls. But the music is great and the humor is fantastic and the writing is innovative and you really can't beat the first episode where this huge, popular death metal band flies into Norway to perform one song: a jingle from a coffee company.
I've probably annoyed a lot of people by forcing them to watch it with me. I'm not sorry.