SG-1 Team Alphabet Soup Fic

Jul 08, 2010 00:01

Title: X is for Xenial

Characters: The Four Members of SG-1

Pairing: None

Rating/Category: Teen

Spoilers: None - Around Season 3

Summary: SG-1 has a proclivity for turning an unremarkable day into an outlandish fight for their lives.

Warnings: References to a now socially unacceptable culinary practice. If you’re worried about it, ask me ( Read more... )

sg-1 fanfic

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Comments 8

rachel500 July 8 2010, 13:27:03 UTC
A great X. Love the misinterpretation and only SG1 could agree to be dinner by mistake. Nice fic.


colej55 July 8 2010, 14:20:30 UTC
Thanks so much! I had fun writing it, even if the topic is just a tad offensive. :-)


sg_fignewton July 8 2010, 22:36:51 UTC
So Daniel tells the chieftain they have to leave right afterward and the chieftain doesn't correct him. ::sporfles::

Yay for SG-1 insanity and flawless teamwork!


colej55 July 8 2010, 23:15:11 UTC
Insanity, indeed! Even I find parts of it funny, but I think that's because I write mindlessly and go back and read what I wrote like someone else had written it. (I'm such a simpleton!) It came out much better than I thought it would given that I was still in the research phase three days ago. Thank goodness for great characters to work with (and a great beta)!

I really appreciate your taking time to comment! I won't have time to read until tomorrow evening, but my weekend is clear and I know what I'll be doing. As always, thanks for making the fun possible!!!

On to "catastrophe"! (While I'm waiting for the next gen fic alphabet soup.)


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colej55 July 9 2010, 13:32:03 UTC
Thanks so much! Team fics are fun to play with.

Very cool icon!!!


cnidarian July 10 2010, 16:47:06 UTC
Oh, the situtions they get themselves into...

Thanks, I'll try not to get myself into that kind of trouble!

Nice combo of action and humour, loved it!!


colej55 July 12 2010, 15:49:58 UTC
Thanks! Your opinion means so much, my writing idol and mentor! It was fun to write because it poured out like a movie. I saw it, I wrote it.

No, don't get eaten!!!!

*smooch & smush*


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colej55 July 12 2010, 15:48:29 UTC
Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I can hardly take credit for writing this because it just poured out. Sometimes I just think funny things!


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