I've run through the top vote-getting options in
the last theme poll, so it's time for another one!
At the end of last year we decided to
have a few months where we did something different, and I think it's time for that! After we do some or all of these, we can go back to regular prompting with a general (unthemed) prompts round.
Which of the following sound interesting to you? Choose as many as you like.
Poll For the commentfic round, I'm thinking something along the general lines of
such_heights' kissing fests (only gen, obviously) or
this commentfic thing I've been doing lately, where instead of the usual detailed prompt, it's just a single line (for example, "Neal, stealing Peter's watch" or "Sara & Elizabeth, girls' day out") and the fill could be as short as a paragraph. Any of them CAN be, but usually the prompts tend to lend themselves to longer stories, so this would be specifically geared towards short, low-pressure fills -- though of course you can do an epic if you want. Art fills are also 100% great (and might be easier for artists in a month when the prompts aren't super plotty) ... I'd like to call it something other than "commentfic" to indicate that art fills are also welcome, but I can't think of anything better; suggestions?
For the fanworks exchange, it would be as low-pressure as possible -- probably something like 500 word minimum for fic, or 1 piece of art (I know art is more time-consuming, but there's really no way around that ...). Participants will provide a small number of prompts, along the lines of the prompts in the community (even some of your old prompts if you want), and their assigned creator will pick one of them to fill. We'll have a discussion post about it, before we do it, to nail down the exact rules -- comments to this post are welcome too, if there's something specific you'd like to see. Assuming there is enough interest in running one; we'll need several participants minimum to make it work!
So, upcoming months for this community will probably be:
- The poll items, in general order of how many people want to do them
- And then an unthemed round
- And then a couple of character-based rounds, which was another thing from the poll back in December that got some interest (probably a Neal-focused round and a Peter-focused one)
And then we'll figure out where we're going from there. But this'll take us through most of 2016!