Fall Fest: Sholio's treat basket

Oct 09, 2016 20:25

To leave treats for sholio, comment to this post. All comments will be screened until on or around Nov. 14.

Name on LJ: sholio
Name on AO3: sholio
What kind of treats do you want? fic, picspams, vids, fanart, covers/illustrations for my fic, meta about the show/characters, recs for recent fanworks (last year or so) especially anything Peter- or Diana-centric!

Favorite WC characters: Peter, Neal, Elizabeth, Diana, Sara
Things you like in fanworks: hurt/comfort (especially for Peter), stranded, huddling for warmth, characters hanging out off-duty together (playing board games, getting drinks, etc), casefic, reunions after the end of season six with everyone glad to see each other again
Things you don't like in fanworks: Peter-bashing, Peter and Neal (or any of the other characters) being nasty with each other

- Peter is lost/in trouble after season six, and Neal comes back to help him
- Elizabeth and Neal friendship bonding (shopping together, going to museums together, just basically enjoying their shared interests)
- Diana and Peter or Diana and Neal friendship
- Anything with Sara in London
- Neal (+ Mozzie?) babysitting for Peter and Elizabeth, or for Diana
- I would LOVE any covers or illustrations for any of my fic, especially the AUs
- Diana meeting Neal pre-series (would have to be slightly AU ... or maybe they don't realize it until much later)
- Peter has heart trouble caused by lingering effects of being poisoned in 2x08
- A far-future (10+ years) reunion for all of the characters, getting back together and catching up
- Sara is called in to help on another White Collar case after she leaves

Any non-WC things you might like to receive: My other current fandom is Agent Carter. I would also love anything autumn-themed - recipes, fall pictures, fall icons, etc. BASICALLY I LOVE FALL.

Anything else? Nope! Have fun!

fall fest 1

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