To leave treats for
pipilj, comment to this post. All comments will be screened until on or around Nov. 14.
Name on LJ: Pipilj
Name on AO3: Pechika
What kind of treats do you want? Fics, Fanart, fic recs, videos
Favorite WC characters: Peter, Neal, Mozzie,El, Diana (Peter is my favorite)
Things you like in fan works: Hurt/comfort, Whump, friendship, crack,sick fic, banter, character study, happy ending,protective about one another, characters being smart.
Things you don't like in fan works: Character bashing, brutality, death fic, martyrs, Characters condemning one another.
-Peter and Neal kidnapped after season 6 where they finally manage to talk. Would love it if they are hurt and manage to outwit their captors
- Peter prison stint.
- Peter and Diana friendship fic.
- Diana and Neal random meeting in Paris after Neal has told Peter he is alive .
- Peter and Mozzie put their differences aside to rescue Neal
- Pre Series collaboration between Peter and Neal to take done some bad guys
- Elizabeth and Mozzie conspiring together.
- The pink panthers learn that Neal is alive and kidnap Peter to draw him out. Would not like Peter to be completely helpless while waiting for Neal.
- A cover for one of my fics.
Any non-WC things you might like to receive: would love some recommendations for Flash/ Agent Carter or Person of Interest.(hurt/comfort,
Non fandom
Some good book recommendations (Drama, Thriller, mystery, humor)
Some recipes (no red meat)
Pics - puns, tigers, nature pics.
Anything else?: Nope. Thanks:)