It is a very sad and dark day Ferdinand Magellan and Serenity Rose have died. We held a funeral in the lobby bathroom. Thank you John, Tyler, and Ben for attending the service it was greatly appericated.
This week seems to be pretty busy, but I am not real stressed about it at all. I know that I am going to be able to get it done so I'm not worried. I am excited about Thanksgiving break eventhough I have to see my mean Aunt. I love going to my placement it is the best part of my week.
I don't know what to do anymore more. I just don't know what to do. My heart feels like it is growing heavier and heavier. I just want some way to let it out.
ok so fall break is supose to be all relaxing a stuff right? Well I guess I didn't have a fall break then. AHHH I so do not want to be at school right now. There is only one place and one person that I want to see right now, and I don't think that I will unstressed until I do.