My life = Knitting. My status = good, but I think I'm getting fat. Check out my new FB pic. Who I Miss = all of you. I want to get drunk w/each and evry1 of u when i get back!
Here r my most recent knit projects. I made these booties. I don't know any babies but they were fun to make :) I am proud of them!
aww, they're so sweet!
This is my halter.
This is the back. I knit a lace pattern that created little holes. Notice!
The back. Notice the holes.
This is me in it. It's VERY low cut!
Knitting is my life. I've learned to knit words into my projects. I'm working on a hat for my brother w/the name of his school knit on it. It's cool!! I finished making a purse today. I'm really proud of it!! More pics to come. Miss u all. BYE :)