I do believe it's MEME TIME!

Feb 19, 2010 18:50

Got this one from spoonyriffic, who gave me Doctor Who, NCIS, and Dark Shadows.  WITH BONUS LULZY COMMENTARY!

01. The first character I fell in love with: TONY!  My roommate Jess was watching it, and I heard Tony speak or saw him do something, and I yelled "LOGAN!" at the top of my lungs and fell out of my chair.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: McGee.  I've been teased about being a computer nerd for YEARS, so I didn't expect the one that I used to get on EVERY FRIGGING NCIS QUIZ EVAR UNLESS I CHEATED would be so near and dear to my heart, the shifty little bastard.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Fornell. *ducks rotten veggies* What?  I just don't like him!  Something about him strikes me as really off, and I can't put my finger on it.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Ziva.  *ducks MORE rotten veggies*  What?  She's pretty, snarky, AND she could hold her own in a barfight!  I'd kill to have that skill set, especially in Pittsburgh!
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Kate.  *ducks a third volley of rotten veggies*  I still like her...I just don't LOVE her anymore...I guess that happens with time or something.
06. The character I would shag anytime: TONY TONY TONY TONY TONY!  Or Jimmy, because DAMN!  You guys remember what he was hiding under those scrubs, right?!?  I CAN'T be the only one who remembers!
07. The character I want to be like: Abby!  Being a Computer Forensics major, "I want to be like Abby from NCIS" is the quickest way to explain what my chosen field is somewhat like.
08. The character I'd slap:  Sacks.  I fucking hate that sonofabitch.  Had a professor my first semester who said "Once you look at a crime and feel nothing and can't think objectively, it's time for you to retire."  So...GTFO SACKS!  I understand that investigators have to focus on a suspect when they're investigating him, but Sacks was operating like Tammany Hall ORDERED him to judge Tony as guilty right away.  THAT IS NOT OBJECTIVE THINKING!
09. A pairing that I love: Tony/Gibbs
10. A pairing that I hate: Probably Jimmy/Agent Lee, only because she COMPLETELY TOYED WITH HIS HEARTSTRINGS, THE POOR BABY!
11. Favorite character: Tony.  Because the snark is win, and those eyes...ye gods...
12. My five favorite characters: Tony, Abby, Jimmy, Ducky, Gibbs
13. My five least favorite characters: Kort (I want to punch the smirk off his face), Agent Lee (For the aboved toying with poor Jimmy's heart), Sacks (reasons previously stated), Vance (Only because he's way too smug for his own good at times, and the only person allowed to be smug like that is Rodney McKay), Annoying Lawyer Bitch (GTFO MAH SHOW, LADY!  I don't know her character's name, I don't care about her character's name...she annoys the living hell out of me.  The actress I have absolutely no problem with. :-D)
14. Which character I am most like:  Abby, because of the sheer volume of caffine it takes for me to be able to function every day.
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: I'm secretly OK with the Tony/Ziva pairing.  Not because I think they'd be good together-frankly, I think they'd snark each other to death-but because I know it would get Michael Weatherly naked, and I support anything that gets Michael Weaterhly naked.

Doctor Who (Classic AND New)
01. The first character I fell in love with: MICKEY!  I thought Mickey was adorable when I started watching back when Big-Nosed Eccleston flew the TARDIS.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Adric.  I knew what was coming when I watched Earthshock for the first time, but damned if I didn't bawl like a baby when it happened.  I now affectionately refer to him as "that little kiss-ass" because of what my mom's first reaction to him was when we watched The Keeper of Trakken together at Christmas.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: This is going to be WILDLY unpopular and may get me booted off a few FLists, but fuck it: Rose.  I do like her, and I think she's a wonderful character...but that's it.  I just don't love her.  I used to love her, but that kinda stopped after a while.  I was happy when she came back, I was happy at the ending for her, and I did bawl my eyes out during Doomsday, but there are just other characters that I like more.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Reinette.  I'M A SUCKER FOR PRETTY DRESSES!  Also the French royal family has always fascinated me, and technically, she was part of it...more so than that dime-store hooker DuBarry was!
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Rose.  Sometimes, absence does NOT help the heart grow fonder.  Still like her immensely, though!
06. The character I would shag anytime: *takes a deep breath* Fifth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor (because I could muss up the emo hair and possibly make it better), Turlough, Simm!Non-Skeletor!Master, Jack Harkness.  And no, I COULD NOT pick just one.
07. The character I want to be like: Sarah Jane Smith.  She's self-assured, she's got loads of courage, she NEVER takes no for an answer, and she's fiercely devoted to her friends and family.  Also I want a robotic dog. :-D
08. The character I'd slap: Donna's Mom.  I just don't like her.  She's such a bitch!  WHO TELLS THEIR ELDERLY PARENT WHAT TO DO IF THE PARENT IS STILL IN FULL COMMAND OF THEIR ACTIONS?!?
09. A pairing that I love: Ten/Jack
10. A pairing that I hate: Honestly, can't think of any.
11. Favorite character: Sarah Jane Smith
12. My five favorite characters: Ten, Five, Donna, Sarah Jane, Rose
13. My five least favorite characters: Davros (scares the hell outta me, he does), Mondas Cybermen (for killing Adric and making me cry), the principal from School Reunion (for blowing up K-9 and making my mom cry), the Clockwork Dudes (DROIDS ARE FOR STAR WARS, THANK YOU VERY MUCH), Torchwood Whatever Number It Was from Army of Ghosts/Doomsday (for being completely stupid and bringing about Doomsday, which made EVERYONE cry).
14. Which character I am most like: I've got little bits of a lot of them: worked in a shop like Rose, have incredibly bad luck in relationships like Donna (her ending gives me hope!), a rebellious streak and a love of explosions like Ace, a world of curiosity like Sarah Jane, I'm always voicing my opinions like Tegan, and I've got a big rack like Peri...in fact, mine may be bigger. *TMI*
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: I think we should give Matt Smith a chance and not be so hasty.  I'm upset that Tennant left, but I'm not going to stop watching Doctor Who unless it goes off the air completely forever.  I was a soap opera fan in my teenage years...I know how badly it hurts to see a favorite actor leave and see someone completely different take over the part.  But I gave them a chance before I made my judgement.  I'm not saying that the people who are epicly pissed off shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinions; far from it.  Voice how upset you are that Tennant left, but don't penalize the show, and don't take it out on Matt Smith, who's just trying to make a living doing a job that he loves.  He might end up being a great Doctor.  He might end up sucking on the Colin Baker level.  We don't know yet.  I guess all I'm saying is give peace a chance give him a chance to try and do the job right.  Besides, he's not in charge of his hair and wardrobe.  Actors usually NEVER have a say in those unless it's an indie production or they're George Clooney.  Defriend me for this if you'd like, it's no skin off my nose.  If everyone else is entitled to say all these things against the change, then I am more than entitled to give my opinion in favor of the change.

Dark Shadows
01. The first character I fell in love with: When you take into account that I was all of 5 1/2 years old when I started watching this show, it's kind of weird to think of a character that I fell in love with, isn't it?  Barnabas did have me spellbound at that age, though.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Angelique.  When I was little, good and bad were always clearly laid out, and there were no shades of grey.  Angelique was the first character I saw on a show that I was ALLOWED to watch where sometimes she was good, and sometimes she was evil.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Victoria.  Maybe I'd have loved her more if they'd actually wrapped up her reason for coming to Collinwood BEFORE she disappeared into the ether.  Or maybe she was simply badly-written.  Or maybe it was Alexandra Moltke's wooden acting.  Just don't love Victoria.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Laura!  Oh gods, Laura Collins CRACKS MY SHIT UP, especially in the scene where she's using her power to make Quentin do contortionist moves at the table.  "Are you still alive?" "*cringing and in pain* Yes!" "Good!  Because I haven't finished my story yet!"  Diana Millay is WIN.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: David.  Eventually I got to an age where I realized that not all the stuff he did was funny, and would most likely get me in trouble.
06. The character I would shag anytime: QUENTIN!  Definitely Quentin.  I don't care HOW ugly those sideburns are...under them is one of the most GORGEOUS men I have EVER seen in my life!
07. The character I want to be like: Maggie.  Even though the whole thing with Barnabas pretty much fucked her up for life, I really liked how sure of herself she was, and how in control of her situation she always seemed to be.  I respect that.
08. The character I'd slap:  Magda.  Goddamnit woman!  THINK BEFORE YOU CURSE SOMEONE!  If she'd only thought about what curse she was dumping on Quentin, she wouldn't have ended up killing her own nephew with it.  I mean, she was remorseful afterwards, and Quentin DID totally deserve something bad happening to him after how completely shitty he treated Jenny, but laying a curse on him that ended up killing his son damn near immediately?  Yeah, that could have been prevented with just a little thought to the wording of the curse.
09. A pairing that I love: Barnabas/Josette.  Even though it ended horribly, it was genuine.
10. A pairing that I hate: Willie/Anybody.  Why the FUCK would anyone want to shack up with an incompetant, grave-robbing vampire's bitch?  I love Willie, and I love the way John Karlen played Willie, but I just don't see anything loveable in THAT way about him.  He's loveable like a puppy or a kitten or a small child...not like a husband or a boyfriend.
11. Favorite character: Angelique.  Even though a good deal of the time she was evil, she always knew what she wanted, when she was going to get it, and how she was going to go about getting it.  And she was BEAUTIFUL (and still is, if you've seen a recent picture of Lara Parker.  Hope I age that well!) on top of all that.
12. My five favorite characters: Barnabas, Angelique, Quentin, Carolyn, Maggie
13. My five least favorite characters: Count Petofi (that man scared the living shit out of me as a child), Pansy Faye (OH GOD OH GOD LEARN TO SING GODDAMN YOU LEARN TO SING), Jenny (scared the living shit out of me as a child AND STILL DOES...I hide in my shirt when I get to the part of the Bloopers & Treasures DVD where she's on the stairs singing to Barnabas...Marie Wallace was GOOD at crazy), Gerard (douchebag), 1970 Parallel Time!Roger (double douchebag).
14. Which character I am most like: I'm probably the most like David, because I get into trouble ALL THE DAMN TIME.  And I'm always wandering around places I shouldn't be.  And I like fires...but I don't go around setting them.  I just like watching them and being warm. :-D
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: All the Dark Shadows knowledge I have at the moment?  I had to relearn most of it from Wikipedia and different fan sites that list episodes.  We don't have any surviving tapes with episodes on them, and the only DVD I own is the Bloopers & Treasures DVD.

ganked from *insert name here*, meme

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