Been a Long Time, Hasn't It?

Oct 26, 2010 10:40

In honor of Halloween approaching, and the fact that I am so completely traumatized by this experience...

So, I ended up being late because of a couple of things:
  1. The header on my episode analysis was kinda fucky and I needed to fix it.
  2. One of the buses, which must have been an extra or something, drove right past the bus stop.
  3. I’ve never been to Hamer Hall, the building where the Gross Anatomy Lab is, so I had no idea where to find it.
  4. When I woke up, I couldn’t even remember what the name of the damn building was.  I had to go over to Frich Hall, where class usually is, and look at the sign my professor had hung on the wall next to the door, informing us of where class actually would be taking place today.
I don’t know how many of you actually know this to be true facts, but some of you do: I am EXTREMELY skittish around the dead.  Within the last 4 years, I’ve lost my father and two great-aunts that I deeply loved, and at the funerals, I was extremely fidgety and light-headed every time we had to get near the caskets.  At my father’s funeral in 2006, when everyone was reaching into the casket and touching his hand one last time, I was the only one who couldn’t touch his hand or lean in and give him a kiss goodbye.  I ended up compromising and touching the sleeve of his suit.
In my defense, which I don’t really need to put forth, I was most likely highly upset because these were people that I loved and knew I would never see again.  The dead in the lab, however, are people I never knew in life.  You would think I’d be all right.
I get to campus, and I’m horribly lost.  Once I ventured to our normal building to see what the name of the other building was (prof had a sign hung outside the door to let us know where to go), I set off across campus trying to find it.  And when I say “across campus,” I literally mean across campus.  Hamer Hall was all the way across campus from Frich Hall.  I had to ask some people directions, but I eventually found it.  The song “What Happens Tomorrow” blaring in my ears to keep me somewhat sane and to prevent any further nervousness, I walked into the building…
…and realized I had no fucking idea where the room was.  I asked a couple of people, and they pointed me in the right direction.  Eventually, the preservative smell helped me find it.  It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and I knocked on the door, confident that I could handle this.
The door opens and the first thing I see is what I think is an extremely fucked-up looking mummy.  It took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was a body with the skin removed and the ribcage open.  When I did, my eyes got big, my head got light, and my stomach said “FUCK THIS SHIT GET ME OUT OF HERE.”  The girl who opened the door said that I wasn’t the first one today to just drop off my episode analysis and GTFO.  Right about then is when people decided to start using their gloved hands to lift organs out of the body, and I notice that there’s not one, not two, but THREE bodies in the room.  This is when the twitching and shaking began in earnest.
Professor Kuba finally notices something going on by the door, takes in me and my obviously horrified/sickened expression, and says “If you need to leave, that’s all right.  You won’t get penalized points or anything.  Unless you don’t drop off your paper before you leave.”  I nodded and pulled my episode analysis out of my backpack, and while I’m turning it in, my friend Sam sees me and goes “The smell?”  I shook my head and said “The sight.  There’s no way I can stay for this.”
I turned in my episode analysis, walked out of the lab, and the audio post I made on Tumblr shortly after that which consisted of frightened rambling and the words "CANNOT UNSEE EVER" a few times summed up my feelings pretty damn well.  I never want to go back to Hamer Hall ever again.

anna is traumatized

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