(no subject)

Dec 26, 2011 23:46

[There's nothing wrong with being polite. It's what Woody would expect, especially from a kid as great as you. There are so many admirable qualities about you, exceptional things that make you special, a kid like you should have no problem making friends!
Hrm. This would be a lot more meaningful if he were to actually say it.
... Nope! That's not happening. Just the same old smile as he lays lifeless on the ground.]


[Yeah, but too bad his mun's a dick and thinks that what makes him special isn't special enough, yet.]
[Blink blink.] What are you...? [He lifts the cowboy doll up gently, glancing under the boot to see if it's the one he knows.]


[Oh, they will. Woody knows they won't be talkin' smack about his favourite deputy :| Or else.
Like it could possibly be any other name under that boot. Though worn over the years, the same name remains; Andy.]


{Let's hope so, partner.] Heh. [He smiles.] It's good to see you.
[Talking to things that don't talk back isn't much of an issure to him anymore. He unconsciously holds you closer to his chest and glances around. Bonnie must be here too, right?]


[It's good to see you too. Bonnie's been great, you couldn't ask for a better kid, but there's something special about when his old owner holds him. No, he might not be a kid anymore. He's a college man boy now but Woody can still see the kid inside. That plastic smile speaks nothing of how much he misses them, even if he has Bonnie now.

Speaking of which, Bonnie isn't here. It's just him. How he got here however he'll never tell.]


[His inner child might be easier to see then usual--he's been hanging out in a school that seems to be pulled right from a kid's imagination in some ways.]

I hope whoever's been keeping you and Bonnie is keeping you safe. [He's noticed that most Muns are cruel, but none would torture a little kid, right? Right? Speaking of her, he keeps looking around, even turning in a full circle to see if she's near.]


[They have and he should assure Andy of that, he's just not sure how. He's not exactly in the sort of position he could just tell him. Not without giving the poor boy a heart attack, anyway.

Think, Woody. Think! Think! Think!]

This town ain't big enough for the two of us. [She's not here, Andy.]


[Yeaah he's been chatting with a few mutant turtles in a school on a floating island with a giant mouse for a headmaster. It--you probably wouldn't scare him that much.
Andy's a bit startled at the voice, though--he didn't think his hand had been on the pullstring...]


[That's because it hadn't :|]


[Andy knows there's something up; you wouldn't, couldn't be here without a reason. He sits down on the floor, careful not to drop you. And then he just looks at you.

He has all the time in the world, here...]


[So does Woody.

Andy is looking directly at him. It's as though he's waiting for him to do something. Does Andy think he will? Does Andy want him to? Andy can't see it but the feelings that accompany that thought have Woody absolutely thrilled. He wants to move, he wants to grant Andy that one wish... but can only look back at him with the same old smile.]


[He is, although he isn't entirely sure what to expect.

After the silence stretches on, he starts to think about home, old playtimes. A wave of homesickness overwhelms him, and he holds Woody a little tighter.]


[The change in grip does not go unnoticed. And from the look in his eyes, Woody knows what Andy's thinking because he's thinking it himself.

He must be crazy. This is a terrible idea. He of all toys should know better than to so much as even consider talking to his owner. He may have broken the rules once before, granted it was to teach Sid Phillips a lesson but and nothing bad came of that. Well, other than the fact he'd scarred the kid for the rest of his life buuuuut details.

What would he even say? 'Oh, hi, Andy. Guess what! I've actually been alive all these years. Surprise!' The kid would loose it. But what if he didn't? Oh, this was ridiculous. What kid wouldn't be freaked out by the fact their toy was talking to them? Still, this may be the last time they see each other... No, he's lucky to have had the chance to see his old owner again, not many toys got that. He shouldn't ruin this. He really shouldn't.]


You're my favourite deputy!


[Andy refocuses as he jumps--he was so lost in thought, he'd forgotten what he'd been waiting for.

His eyes are wide, and he looks almost scared, but probably not for the reason's you'll think.

His mind is whirring away, and he's rapidly coming to an unnerving conclusion that isn't quite right: yes, you're alive, but you can't do anything beyond what you're doing right now. You're trapped in your body and might've been for all the time that he's had you.]

Are..are you...?

[...What does someone say to something like that?]


Somebody's poisoned the waterhole!

[He's not sure what he's doing, trying to talk to Andy like this. Every part of him tells him it's wrong, that he should stop. Andy could drop him at any moment and never hold him again. He's putting a lot at risk but for some reason he can't seem to let go of that small sliver of hope that things will be okay, that Andy was only looking at him like that out of fear that he was broken.]

There's a snake in my boot! [If only he could find the courage to say something beyond his pull string quotes.]

[This is going from strange to almost creepy. At least if he was talking for real, his face wouldn't be stuck in an eerily vague smile.

(Rules don't matter much here, Woody.)

His fingers itch as if they've never felt the materials before, but he doesn't drop you. Instead, he crosses his legs and sets you down gently onto his leg.]

I don't--I don't know...[what that means; what you want; what to say;

what's happening.]

[Rules or not this is hard for him to do. Trixie showed him how to set up a text messaging account once but he never quite found the courage to text Andy over that either. He's mighty thankful Andy hasn't dropped him out of fear or run away. This is by all means beyond creepy, he knows. He shouldn't be doing this to begin with, much less try to pass it off as 'testing the waters'.

He owes the kid, he really does...]

It means hey howdy hey, partner! [He has yet to move, the words spoken through his voice box, but it's a start. Please don't freak out, he silently begs. Please.]


He flails for a moment, but it's enough to knock the cowboy doll off to the floor--]

[--almost. He instinctively reaches out and catches him before he hits it. He freezes nearly as still as the figure in his hands, then takes a deep breath. Okay, calm down. Seriously, calm down.

Why is he freaking out so much about this? It’s not like he-it-he can hurt him, after all. Or would. After all he hadn’t in all the time they…]

…Howdy, Woody.

[His voice is a lot quieter than he expected it to come out. There are quite a few questions whirling through his head, but he waits to see what...what Woody has to say next.]


[For a moment he was sure that it was over, that he'd successfully ruined the single most important friendship he'd ever had. All those years of joy Andy had brought him and this was how he was rewarded? No. Andy may have dropped him but he also caught him. Andy's still holding him. On the surface he's doing his best to stay calm but Woody can see the panic in his eyes. He longs to comfort him but that may only make matters worse.

It's only for a moment but the silence between the two feels like forever as Woody tries to think of something to say. He knows Andy's waiting for him and he doesn't want to disappoint him. You know, for knowing someone their entire lives you'd think it'd be easier to come up with at least something to say to them.]

These sure are some strange parts! [Wow, really? That's the best he can come up with? He resists the urge to facepalm. He can do better than that. Ugh, why is he so nervous?]

[What?...that's not what he thought he'd hear, but at least he can respond semi-normally.]

Strange? [He lets/forces out a weak laugh.] You could say that.

[He puts his hands together behind your back, making a surface that looks more comfortable than a tight grip.]

'Fraid I'm new to this here town. [He's not sure what else to call it.] Think you could show me the ropes, partner?

[The same cheerful voice escapes the voice box as Woody struggles to find the words to make up more than one sentence. He doesn't want to push anything on Andy he doesn't want to do and bombarding the poor boy with questions will get them no where.]

I--um. You're new here? [Not like he's one to talk.]

This...isn't a town, really. [Well duh. He squeezes his eyes shut and leans against the wall that wasn't there three seconds ago and tries to explain.]

There's...this is where you're supposed to...talk. To the mundanes, mostly. [His voice darkens, just a little. Someone who's known him for long would know that's pretty significant.] Tell them when they're doing things right, or more often wrong. And to talk to people about things you couldn't otherwise, in games or 'canon'.

Which explains this. I guess.


['This'. Heh, he's not sure how to explain it either.] Well, you can tell that mun of yours there's nothing wrong with being polite.

[Without even thinking, he sits up and come to life right before Andy's eyes.] Any deputy of mine needs to be as kind as he is brave and smart. [He's abandon speaking through his voice box, the once scratchy quality now as clear and a genuine as the smile on his face.]

She thinks--

[He breaks off and just. Stares.

How many times, when he was young, he quietly held you and wished that you were real. And here you are.

This is insane.

...You sound just like the thought you would.]

Um. She thinks it -it's boring. [Yeah, his voice might sound a little watery.]


[This is beyond insane.

For a moment, he regrets having said anything. The upset he's caused Andy leaves Woody feeling guilty for his actions but he quickly realizes his mistake. Andy's not sad or scared, he's happy. He's actually happy.]

Boring? [That's absurd!] Why, there ain't a single boring thing about you! Does she know how many stolen convoys you've stopped? That you were the one to put the notorious One Eyed Bart behind bars? Or how you saved the entire galaxy from the clutches of the Evil Dr. Porkchop?

[He knows what Andy's going to say: 'that was you.' Well you know what?] I couldn't have done it without you, partner. [And he couldn't have.]

[Feeling the plastic and cloth shifting over his hands is very weird. He shrugs it off quickly enough.]

Well, yeah, but that--[didn't actually happen, he wants to say. But he doesn't.] I...I guess. ...That was a long time ago.

So, um. Have you always been like this?


[He doesn't want to lie to Andy but the idea that he's been 'alive' all this time would likely terrify the boy. It's true: he's seen eeeeeverything but maybe there's another way to put this.]

I've always been what you've needed me to be. [A sheriff, a dinosaur tamer, a friend... That is, after all, his job. Although, he's still a little sour about that phase you went through where you'd made him a villain and Buzz would kill him using his laser :|]

[He almost says 'yeah, but I don't need you to be alive', but that's far too nasty for him. Besides, here, he probably does.]

Yeah, you were. [His face softens for a moment, and then something occurs to him.] What about the others? Are they like you too?

[Oh come on! He was, what, seven? Buzz Lightyear of Star Command was his fandom, so to speak. 'Sides, he got over that stage quickly enough.]

[As upsetting as that would be, were it truly the case Woody would just fall back into 'toy mode' and continue a vow of silence. If you don't want him to talk, he won't. It's as simple as that.]

Well... [He rubs the back of his neck. Admittedly, he's unsure how to answer that. 'Are they like you too?' Are they alive?] I haven't seen them around here but I suppose they would be.

[You made him rob a bank! How can he even wear this badge after having done that?]

[It isn't. He just thought that his being here was the reason that you're alive now, although your answer makes him doubt it.]

...huh. [Andy's not entirely sure what to say to that. Spontaneous subject change!] So, you're doing okay? Bonnie and your Mun aren't torturing you?

[Whaaat, he doesn't remember that. Maybe.]

[You being here is the only reason he's here now, Andy.

He chuckles in response to his question.] No, they take good care of me. You did a mighty nice thing givin' your toys to Bonnie. [Just know that regardless who he belongs to, he'll always be Andy's toy.]

...It was better than leaving you to rot in the attic. [He's glad that you don't hate him for it.]


[To rot. He notably cringes at Andy's choice of words.]

It wouldn't be my first time in storage. Besides, if that's where you needed me I'd be happy to go. [Well, maybe no that happy...]

[Andy sees that cringe and absently brings you closer to his chest, then notices and abruptly stops.

Once again, he isn't sure what to do. You're not a toy to him anymore, you're a person. Whether this is a good thing or not has yet to be seen.]

[He slowly shakes his head.] No. I'm not--I'd never do that. Especially not now. [Watch his face twist into guilt as he thinks about Buzz and Rex and the others, what he was going to do to them.]

It's just the attic. [Seriously. There are far worse fates.] It's safe up there. Besides, there's games and books and all sorts of stuff there.


[Andy nods.] Either way, it seems like Bonnie's would be more fun.[He honestly doesn't remember what's in the attic. Sure, he dropped a few things in there, but he didn't poke around.] ...Better than the toy chest, too.


Bonnies a great kid. [Not nearly as great as you but Woody is completely bias.] But it isn’t about getting played with, it's about being there for you whether that's in the attic or... or the toy chest.


[He wouldn't have given you to just anyone. (The only reason he was worrying about Bonnie torturing you earlier was because he's observed that some of these places can change you. no he isn't paranoid what are you talking about)

That level of loyalty is a bit...unnerving. How would you like it if someone you never knew was there started talking to you like you're the most important person ever?]

Well, you aren't in either now. [This is bothering him more than he thought it would.]


[Woody's Roundup. He was their 'the prodigal son'. They adored him and for countless years waited for him... while he'd never even heard of them. They were strangers. But you know him, Andy. At least, Woody would hope so after the last eighteen years they'd spent together.]

Andy, [He speaks gently, pausing after having spoken his owners name. There's a feeling that accompanies having addressed Andy by his name that he can't describe.] you did the right thing giving us toys away to Bonnie. It's given us a whole new life, a chance to make another kid happy. [That's what he wants to hear,isn't it?]

[He thinks he does.

Well, he feels less guilty by your words and gives a little smile.]

I'm glad I didn't do the selfish thing, then.

[Then he carefully shifts his knees and hands so he can keep you at eye level without his arms falling asleep.]


[Oh, Andy. He shakes his head and chuckles. There are far more selfish things.] There's nothing wrong with wanting to hold onto whats important to you.

Besides, you'll always know where to find us.

[The holidays were good for Aqua. She was thankful for the gifts she received, though she wished she could've gotten over her cold sooner. The time she was in bed could've been spent getting a gift or two for her friends, but since she's finally over her cold now that's exactly what she wants to do.

She was leaving her dorm, shopping list in hand along with something else. It was an odd bracelet she found on her desk with no note attached. Thinking it wasn't hers, she was going to ask Lottie who it might belong to. The bracelet was nice though, all blues with smooth stones and little beads between each stone.

Aqua tore her gaze away from the bracelet in her hand to walk down the hallway of Joe West. All of a sudden she felt her body tingle and a cold chill down her spine.]

What the--

[Before she could say anything else everything around her rapidly grows bigger and taller. Wait, nothing was getting taller, she was getting smaller! She continued to shrink until she was no bigger than a common house mouse.

Well...this was not the way she wanted to start the New Year.]

[Incidentally, Woody just so happens to be walking down the very hallway Aqua is. Like just about every other building on campus, he can't help but feel in awe at how big it is. His eyes travel up the walls to the ceiling, the cowboy paying little mind to that in front of him before he hears a voice.

His initial reaction is to fall lifelessly to the floor but he catches himself before he's able to do so. Old habits are hard to boot but at least he's trying. Woody peers over to where he heard the voice, spotting a small girl, possibly even another toy, standing in the hallway. He's only seen the aftermath of what's happened and knows nothing of the magic at work. All he can tell is that she must troubled, the look on her face a dead giveaway.

He approaches her slowly.] Hey now, is everything alright?

[Oh Aqua is full of dread and frustration right now. Can't one day go well for her? She finally got over a cold and now she's as small as a mouse! this was not how she wanted to spend her time, trying to figure out how she would be able to move about.

She was about to start pacing around, trying to think of ways to get around when a new voice catches her attention. Instantly she turns her head to see a ...cowboy?

It shouldn't be odd to see and yet it is.]

...Somewhat. [And holy cow he looks...big.]

Who..might you be?

[He smiles and kneels down so to make it easier for them to speak with one another before offering his hand. ] Woody. [If he's thinking of teaching should he give himself a last name?] Ah, just Woody. And yourself?

[Aqua does appreciate him coming down to her...shorter height. She slowly reaches out to shake his hand.]

I'm Aqua...nice to meet you..[Would now be the best time to ask if he's new? No, she has other things to worry about.]

Was there anyone else here other than you? [Because the vibe he's giving her, he's possibly not a magic user..]

[Woody, whose handshake is generally firm, is gentle - not because because he has to be but because he can be.] Always a pleasure.

'fraid not. [At least from what he'd seen. Strangely enough, so far it's mostly been animals he's run into.] Were you looking for someone?

[Aqua's handshake is gentle, seeing no need to make it firm. It's not as though they're meeting on a professional level.

There's a shake of her head.]

No, I thought someone might've cast this spell on me. I'm normally....not as small as I am now.

S-spell? [Did he hear that right? Did she just say there had been a spell cast on her? He glances around to check if anyone else in present. Either he's caught her during the middle of playtime or this is a brand new toy.

... because she must be a toy, right? Humans could never be this small.]

What about when got here, what size were you then?

[A slight nod. She takes it he's not too familiar with magic... Oh boy..this day couldn't get any better, could it?

Wait, what size was she? That earns him a puzzling look.]

..The same as anyone else... [You know, tall, able to reach things. Not...notice how big a speck of dust can be once it joins other specks of dust, turning into a dust bunny that's further down the hallway.]

Why? [And come to think of it, if she's small...why is he semi-small too? Maybe someone cast a spell on him too?]

[Aqua's earned herself an equally puzzled look in return. What's that mean, 'the same as anyone else'? There is such a wide variety of toy sizes, how could one even begin to define a standard? Maybe she's part of some sort of collection and was referring to their size? Anything else would mean...]

Because that doesn't add up. Toys don't just- You can't... !

I can't what? [Wait a moment...did he say toy?

...Does he think she's a toy?

Okay, nothing is adding up by now. Really, it's not.]

What are you talking about? I'm not a toy. [Seriously, now she's getting a headache. Maybe she's dealing with a crazy cowboy...]

Oh, great. This is just perfect. [Now he's gotta deal with another delusional toy all over again. What does this one think she is, a pixie? Woody buries his face in his hands for a moment until he's able to calm himself down. Go figure: the first toy he meets here is fresh from the box. Sheesh.]

So, if you're not a toy then what are you? [Or, rather, what do you think you are?]

[Oh...okay she's dealing with a crazy cowboy. When she gets to be her full size again, she will get this man some help.]

Human...a spell caster. [Well, Keyblade Master, but it's best not to overload his brain right now.

Wait, he...thinks he's a toy?! What spell did they cast on him?]


[Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Dang it, Woody. You know she can't help it, that's just her character. That's gotta be it. Already he can feel the forming grin on his face as he fails miserably at keeping it straight. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't-]


[Damn it, you weren't supposed to laugh!] HA HA HA HAAAH! Oh! Oh, that's the best one yet! [Well, it is. Forget Space Rangers, Magical Humans?! That's so rich.] You actually think you're a real live human?

Aqua....is thoroughly not amused. Woody's laughing is making her headache worse. Part of her wants to summon her keyblade and prove to him that she is, in fact human, but her power isn't meant to be used to prove a point.

And on the other hand, she could be the mature one and either walk away or just silently glare at him.

Best, to stick with the latter...and screw it she will prove her point.

Without saying anything else she holds out her hand in front of her. Lights and sparkles appear before until a key shaped blade appears in her hand.]

You were saying?

[While it doesn't necessarily prove she's human...it does prove she's...magic?]

[Either Buzz is about to become outdated or... No. No, that's not possible. He saw it, it was right there in front of him, but accepting it is even harder than when he hadn't at all. Come on, magic, seriously? He'd like to think he's pretty open minded but that's a doggone lie. While Woody continues to stare at the weapon he tries to blame some sort of new technology for it's appearance. Unfortunately, he can't think of anything that comes even close.

Now he really wants to know what she is.]

How... ?

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