Just because Robyn and Krissy did it...

Nov 23, 2007 13:40

01. Reply with your name and I will write something I like about you ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

hihirobyn November 23 2007, 19:07:02 UTC
Do me.....harder



Answers! collegenerd05 November 23 2007, 23:12:38 UTC
1. I like.......your mom!
2. Anything by Fleetwood Mac, Love Actually and Casablanca (because you won't watch it!)
3. You would be 1am, because that seems to be your peak time of being awake
4. Baaaaaagel
5. Tie between Blue Man Group, our day at the Zoo, and last weekend in Boston
6. You're any kind of stuffed animal, cute and cuddly, and not smelling of cat pee
7. How you put up with me?
8. You already did this, haha


Re: Answers! hihirobyn November 24 2007, 00:11:48 UTC

i demand a do-over for #1. liking my mom is t0tally obvz.. geezeee..

as for numero cuatro..... so good, so so good !! :D


Re: Answers! collegenerd05 November 24 2007, 00:43:45 UTC
Okay well heres the new one:

1) I like that you love me!


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