Word of the Day [PG] Jared/Jensen

Apr 10, 2009 15:59

Title: Word of the Day
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop. Kid!Fic
Word Count: 464
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Noah learned about a new word in school.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for bekkis because she’s not feeling so great (even though she’s freakin’ awesome!). Hope you like it honey. This also fits notjustroomates prompt of the boys as parents

“Guess what we learned today Papa?” Noah shouts as he runs in to the house, Jared following a bit more leisurely behind him. Jensen looks up from where he’s mixing something in the bowl at the counter, and smiles at Noah, “What did you learn little man?”

Jared comes up behind Jensen and turns him around for a deep kiss, making him drop the whisk into the bowl. He kisses like he hasn’t seen Jensen for weeks even though they saw each other just that morning, but it’s not like Jensen minds.

“Eww. Papa, Daddy, don’t do that!” Noah says with a face.

Jensen laughs into the kiss and shifts in Jared’s arms to face Noah, attentive expression in place.

“Sorry Noah. So what did you learn?”

“Well you know how we do Word Walls in Ms. Becky’s class?” he asks and both Jared and Jensen nod at him.

“We got a new word today!” He says, delighted.

“Which one?” Jensen asks him, stroking the hand that Jared has curled around him.

Noah starts to giggle uncontrollably and finally gets out, “BUTT!” He laughs again, almost falling over.

Jensen looks up at Jared who looks back down at him and shrugs and they both turn to watch Noah crack up.

“How is it spelled buddy?” Jared asks him. And Noah takes a few breaths before being able to get out, “It’s spelled b-u-t, Daddy.” And then he turns a little, points to his own butt, and wiggles it for emphasis. That makes Jensen lose it and he starts laughing, holding on to the counter for support.

Jared’s trying not to crack, to explain to Noah what but means, but he can’t hold back his laughter either and he runs over to where Noah is, fingers outstretched and wriggling. Noah shrieks as he tries to run away from those fingers but his short legs are no match for Jared’s and Jared tickles him, unrelenting. Noah’s got tears running down his face from laughing so hard and Jensen goes over to wipe them away and make Jared ease up a bit.

He leans over to whisper in Noah’s ear, “Daddy’s turn?”

Noah nods and then the both of them attack Jared with their tickling fingers. And Jared is ticklish like no other. He squirms and twists on the floor but Jensen and Noah keep tickling until he finally calls, “Uncle! Uncle! Stop you monsters!” between laughing breaths.

Jensen and Noah both stop promptly and Jared tries to catch his breath from laughing so much.

Jensen can’t believe how lucky he’s got it, as he looks at Jared and Noah with fond eyes. A husband who loves him unconditionally and a kid who is probably the most awesome kid around. Even if he is a little biased.

based on a conversation my friend had with her kid brother. Seriously. LOL

wc: less than 500, type: schmoop, type: humor, kid!fic, gift!fic, rating: pg

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