Title: In Sickness and In Health
hd_obsessionRating: G
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop.
Word Count: 355
Summary: Jared hates being sick.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for all the sick people on my flist (me included!) that include but are not limited to
hkath, and probably a few more. Feel better ♥!
Ring Ring
Jared rang the bell. He was lain in bed, sick and miserable, and the only highlight was ringing the bell and having Jensen wait on him hand and foot.
Jensen came inside the bedroom, “Yeah Jay? You ok? You need anything?”
Jared knew Jensen was getting tired of him, but he hated being sick and he couldn’t help but spread the misery.
“A glass of orange juice please?” he asked and batted his eyelashes for extra effect. Jensen just rolled his eyes at him and went downstairs.
He came back with the glass of orange juice and a neon pink crazy straw. Jensen really did love him after all. He grinned up at Jensen in thanks and Jensen smiled back at him, helping him sit up and sip some of the juice. He put the juice on the bedside table, “You feel any better?”
“A little,” Jared said but then had this huge coughing fit. “Maybe not.”
Jensen just looked at him sympathetically and fluffed the pillow a little bit. He kissed Jared’s eyebrow, “Why don’t you sleep for a little while, and I’ll come back to check on you a little bit?”
Jared nodded his assent and tried to get comfortable. No matter which way he turned though, he couldn’t fall asleep. He picked up the bell and rang it again
Ring Ring
and he knew Jensen was cursing ever giving him the damn thing. Jensen stood at the door with his arms crosses and eyebrow raised,
“I thought I told you to sleep?”
Jared nodded. “I can’t.”
“And why not?”
“Because there’s something missing.”
Jared saw Jensen take in a deep breath, like he was calming himself down.
“What’s missing Jared?”
Jared could totally blame the pain meds later for acting like a complete girl,
Jensen’s eyes softened and he walked over to the bed, sliding in behind Jared. Jared snuggled back against Jensen and he knew sleep would claim him quickly. He grabbed Jensen’s left hand with the ring on it, and brought it around to hold it with his against his heart. Yeah, he could finally sleep now.