Alfred: squishy Older!Al who is BIG AND STRONG AND A HERO AND YUH THEY'RE COOL, BRO. Looks up to him more like an older brother figure than an older self. Provider of the hamburgers and of Al's current living situation.
Antonio: unknowingly (?) helps Al feel more at home, because Al actually knows the man. A strange tomato loving friend who (used to) (kinda) share the new world with him. :D Al likes Antonio a lot!
Arthur: Is the most important person in the world ever by default. Duh!
Well, actually, now she's kinda nice and cool? Girls are just weird. And now since Alfred considers Francis as a 'mum', they're brother and sister? OH EUROPEANS, YOU AND YOUR TIES.
Scary Guy: IS SCARY.
Danmark: SUPER COOL KNIGHT PRINCE TEACHER WHO GAVE HIM A SWORD. HE IS SO AWESOME. Seriously though, to Al, Danmark looks like he just walked out of a fantasy novel. Al wants to look tough in front of him and kinda hug him at the same time -- lucky, the guy's nice enough to let Al do both so far.
Elle: IS A PRETTY GIRL living in a "castle", therefore the princess to his knight (though she is one beastly fighter;; Warrior princess!). Fun to play with and things! Alfred feels completely comfortable around her. C: Elle and Prince-Man, sitting in a tree...
Has a huge honking childhood crush on her!
Francis: like Antonio, helps with the whole familiarity thing. Knows that Arthur and him fight a lot, but likes him a whole bunch anyway! Is comfortable enough around Francis that Al can act up around him without having to feel bad, AHAHA.
Honda: AN ASSASSIN -- I MEAN, one of Alfred's friends! Is a very nice, warrior-ish guy whose hugs are really comfy. And he's very pretty too!
Really Big Guy:Ivan Intrigued Al with his communism talk for a while (Sh-sharing is nice!), but Alfred said to stay away from him.
Matty: His cry baby little brother! Always!
Norge: An A+ prince, man. Alfred will guard his secret princehood FOREVER, especially since he let him 'protect' his cloak!
Tibet: Hell yeah, another kid! Thinks Tibet's weird, but so far has enjoyed playing with him and "protecting" him and stuff. A friend? Yeah, sure! Him and the Lollipop Mama guy! :D
YEAH, I'm one of those players who charts these things. One of those. Not done, though, and I'll update it as I play more hopefully, AHAHA.
ALSO, I'm ... kind of grounded? No idea, actually! But if I disappear, you guys know why. ):