Program(+version) I'm using: Photoshop 7
Example(s) of the coloring I want to learn how to make + credit to the maker:
forblueskysA link to the un-edited/not colored original image/screencap:
C A P ;
SCREENCAP All of the icons are made by me, but my computer crashed and the PSD that contained the coloring is gone. : ( And I really, really, really like the coloring- it works really well with Harper's Island screencaps. Anyways, I know I screen about 3 times and the first two layers are Fill layers- one is dark red and the other is dark green and I always end it with a (or two) soft light layer of the original image. There was some color balance and a few selective color layers (mostly for darkening) and mabye a brightness/contrast layer. I'm trying to recreate it myself, but help is extremely wanted and desperately needed! ( : Thank you!