Your name should be Campbell's....cuz you are mmm mmm good!!

Oct 20, 2004 08:57

So the hot guy i saw about two weeks ago in the halls of glorious UTA....yea just saw him again. same deal. turned the corner. there he was. staring. at me. gorgeous. sexy. beautiful.

I did this in April. I decided to re-read it and see if anything has changed....
updates are indicated by *

--I am terrified of tornadoes.
--I look at girls who are gorgeous and I wonder if anyone thinks I’m as pretty as them.
--I don’t have many girl friends, I don’t get along too well with them.
*i am working on this. i have more girls around now than i ever did.
--I try to be a lot tougher than I really am.
*also working on this. it is ok to let people in. fear still wins sometimes.
--It took my heart getting broken for me to really appreciate my friends.
--I have the thought, at least once a day, that with each ticking second of the clock, that is one less second I have left in my life.
--I am obsessed with song lyrics, they express my life in ways I never could.
--I used to collect watches when I was little.
--I own at least 70 pairs of shoes.
--I love the giant pickles they have at the movie theatres.
--I feel I am hypocritical and have double standards at times.
--Falling in love again scares me to death.
*but it still excites me and i can't wait for the day that it happens
--I often think if I were to die today, would anyone come to my funeral?
--I gave myself the nickname “tammy-sita-tacobunny” when I was little, and my mom still calls me that to this day.
--My gorgeous niece Taylor gave me the name “Ninny” when she was about two, it stuck, now I have friends who call me that.
--I hate feet, but I love shoes, and the first thing I usually look at when someone walks in the room is their feet.
--The sexiest thing about a guy is straight, white teeth. The smile does it everytime.
*the eyes are closing in on this one...
--I have secretly always wanted to be a model.
--I could spend hours on the internet, looking for, and downloading fonts.
--I hate when a girl sits down and her underwear is showing above her pants.
--I love to sit in the mall and people-watch.
--High-water pants drive me nuts.
--I used to be obsessed with Jonathan Taylor Thomas, we’re talking poster-size collage on my wall.
--I cried when Home Improvement ended.
--I have a pen fetish.
--I was diagnosed with scoliosis in elementary school and wore a brace for a year when I was a sophomore in high school and had surgery the summer before my junior year. I am now equipped with stainless steel rods, hooks, and brackets that go from my neck to my hips.
--My sister packed her clothes in trash bags and moved out when she was a junior in high school.
--I played soccer for 12 years.
*and coached for a season
--My favorite stuffed animal as a child was my Big Bird.
--Hilary Duff bothers me, but everytime I see her on tv or in a magazine, I have to pay attention, and I can’t change the station when her songs come on the radio.
*thank goodness this one passed quickly
--Sunshine makes me happy - I am solar-powered.
--I have gotten flowers only twice in my life.
--I LOVE to wakeboard.
*i never got to go to the lake this summer
--I had a disease called pyloric stenosis when I was born. A muscle in my stomach was too big so they did surgery on me when I was two weeks old to take the muscle out.
--I am a neat freak, I get enjoyment out of organizing and cleaning.
*when i am stressed biggest pet peeve becomes my worst habit-->
very disorganized
--I have yet to get a real massage.
--I used to have staring contests with my dog.
--I love to turn on Britney Spears when no one is home and dance around my house in my undies.
*this one has also passed. no time for dancing anymore.
--Punky Brewster was my idol growing up.
--Me and Becky S. had a Hanson obsession one summer, it was amazing.
*me and becky w. went to the Hanson concert in August. Mmmbop.
--I used to go to Albuquerque every summer to see the Sires. Me and beck would spend hours walking the cement wall in her backyard.
*went to maryland to the Sires. Had an amazing time. walked the beach instead
of the wall.
--I work so hard at keeping things simple with people, it often backfires.
*have seen yet another example of this. maybe i need to change my strategy
--I am so easy-going, it easily comes across as just not caring.
*i have learned how to care and how to show people i really do care.
--I get embarrassed easily in large groups and my face turns practically purple.
--I still say things that were “david sayings” and they make my heart jump when I realized what I said.
*this happened a couple days ago. becky gave me the deer-in-the-headlights look
--I love to look through old pictures and think about old friends and how we all were “back in the day”.
--I love to laugh at myself.
--I love getting dressed up in formal dresses, only every so often though.
--It bothers me when I’m sitting behind someone whose hair is messed up in the back.
--I hate those clear, gel-lookin Steve Madden shoes.
--Girls-Just because they make it in your size, doesn’t mean you should wear it. That’s all that needs to be said.
--I laugh everytime I walk by Torrid in the mall.
--It hurts me to see david, but I secretly wish I will run into him everywhere I go.
*this desire is gone. we are now talking on a VERY limited basis.
the hurt is also gone.
--I want to date a guy that will sing to me and just make me melt.
--I am a hopeless romantic at heart.
--I think scabs are cool, it’s very hard to not pick them. Yes I know its gross…deal with it.
--I have a fear of getting fat, yet I am the most unhealthy eater on the face of the planet.
*this one is catching up with me daily
--I am saving myself for marriage.
*while i am constantly persecuted for this...i am a virgin and my future husband
will be the only one to change that!
--We had to write a children’s book in 5th grade and present it to the class and while presenting, I got so nervous I started crying.
--Graduating from college scares me.
*I may be adding 2 more years....
--I had a crush on the same guy from 7th to 12th grade, he doesn’t know that, to this day.
*i talk to him all the time. it is great.
--I went to Texas A&M for my first semester of college, I hated it, so I came home.
--I feel I have a few of the most loyal friends ever.
--I became a Christian in 6th grade at children’s camp.
--I want to learn how to play guitar.
*i bought a guitar and i am learning!!!
--Boys should shave their legs if they are REALLY hairy.
*and always their armpits :-p
--I love a person who can give a good hug. GOOD hugs are hard to find.
--I hate to cry in front of people.
--I have a very hard time being honest with myself.
*honesty is the best thing for yourself. i have admitted a lot of things
that changed my life dramatically
--I am obsessed with “Coffee House” music (Gavin Degraw, Damien Rice, etc.)
--I hate people who strive to make other people happy, but I am guilty of just that more times than I would like to admit.
--Finding a lose hair that is not mine grosses me out.
--I skipped Kindergarten.
--I am the youngest of all my friends, but often feel like I am the most mature.
--I act very tough towards people when I first meet them, but its only a front, I am terrified of getting close to anyone.
*same as above. getting close is not bad. let some people in. it can shake up
your world in crazy ways
--I sometimes get attached to people too easily and somewhat lose my identity in them.
*no more
--I miss Courtney Addison and Andrew Mathiasen. Two very separate situations, but both were fun and I miss them.
--I am a huge perfectionist. It often causes a project to take 5 times as long as it should.
--I loved watching Dave mow the lawn. It was very relaxing for me, no clue why.
--I am nosy, I like to be “in the know” about everything and everyone.
--I get very embarrassed when a hot guy talks to me, again, my face turns a lovely shade of red I’m sure.
--I love a good burp.
--I want to get a tattoo.
--There are freckles on my hand that, when connected, form the little dipper.
--I am allergic to milk.
--Seeing someone throw up makes me gag, and possibly throw up.
*for example, Scott throwing up after singing *literally* his guts out at a
Special Edword show
--Nothing you can say can hurt me more than just not talking to me. The silent treatment breaks my heart.
*silence can move more than words
--I love to drive. I like to be in control of where I’m going and how I’m getting there at all times.
*especially in my new mini!
--I can drive a stick shift.
*i.e. the new mini
--I often sit and wonder what **insert famous person’s name here** is doing at that point in time. I wonder what their life is really like.
--It bugs the crap out of me when someone wears black shoes and a brown belt or vice versa.
--My artistic ability is so non-existent that I have a very hard time even doodling during class. It always looks like a 4th grader did it.
--Parking garages scare me at night. I always call someone when I’m walking through one out of sheer terror.
--I love scary movies.
--I love beating a guy at any sport or competitive activity.
--I see people everyday that make me wonder “Did you look in the mirror before you left the house???”
--Bad breath is the nastiest thing ever.
--I love different movies like “21 Grams” and “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”
*Garden State
--I can’t take compliments. I always question whether the person is being genuine or just saying them for the heck of it
--I put 210% into my relationships. Sometime I worry I put too much effort in and do not get the same treatment in return, only setting myself up for disappointment.
--I am completely against the concept of going and getting drunk just for “getting drunk’s” sake.
*or any reason for that matter
--I have never had a sip of alcohol in my life.
--My sister is only my half-sister. She has a different dad.
--I have a huge weakness for cheesecake.
--When alone, I cry. I think about everything. And I just cry.
--I love buying things for people for no good reason at all, just to see the look on their face. It makes me happy.
--Sometimes I am too nice, it has provided for people to walk all over me in the past.
--I have a hard time saying no.
--Public restrooms gross me out, but I still use them, only in emergency situations, but contact with anything is very minimal. Ew.
*pictures in them, however, never a bad idea
--I love babies, but plan on waiting a very long time before having any.
--I have an obsession with little black boys. There is something about them that just grabs my heart.
--I love to go shopping with Beck W. and take pics in random hats and just do crazy stuff. It makes us laugh. It makes other people laugh. It is just always a great time.
--I have a cd that has about 30 songs from various Disney movies. One of the songs is a song from “Cinderella” that the mice are singing. It is AWESOME to put that in and crank it so other people can hear it and then just dance hardcore with whoever is in the car with me. Again, gets a good laugh.
--I love going to Six Flags, getting on the Mexican Hat, and screaming my lungs out. So exhilarating.
--My cousin Brian has come here every summer, for the whole summer, for about 5 years now. He is like a little brother to me.
--I am scared I will be single forever.
--Once my heart was broken, I questioned myself. Now I wonder if there was something wrong with me that made him not love me.
--I did not get my first kiss until July of 2002.
--I love toe-socks.
--I have seen every Saved by the Bell episode ever made.
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