okay, made two tutorials. please use these as guides and don't copy exactly!
from this:
to this:
okay, let's start with the base:
step 1: sharpen, duplicate twice, setting the first one to screen, and the second to soft light.
step 2: layers in order
color, 13
color burn, 100
exclusion, 49 (this should be after the soft light duplicate)
step 3: in georgia, 2pt I wrote some rubbish and ta da!!
this is how the layer platte should be:
what you can try is use different colors and modes, don't copy, because that just SUCKS!!
from this:
to this:
okay base:
step 1: duplicate twice, the first one set to screen, the secod to soft light.
step 2: the layers, in order, the last one being the bottom:
gradient by
crumblingwalls, difference, 100
brush by
_joni brush by
crumblingwalls brush by
teh_indy gradient by
crumblingwalls at color burn, 100
and ta da!! try adding more color, or more of your own brushes, textures etc.
I hope this helped, and I'd love to see what you make