DECK CLAIMS FOR APRILcolorsmodApril 2 2013, 09:23:30 UTC
Donation limits have been reset!
If you have plans to donate decks this month but don't have the images yet and would like to claim the decks, please reply to this comment with your claims. Label the subject of your claim with [claim] series name - character name.
You have until the end of the month to donate these decks before the claims expire! Claims are only for the current month. You cannot claim to donate for future months. You may only claim up to the same number of decks you're allowed to donate each month.
Donations after this comment will count as your April donations, to be released in May!
At the end of this month, there'll be a comment resetting everyone's limits. (roughly around midnight PST time)
If you have plans to donate decks this month but don't have the images yet and would like to claim the decks, please reply to this comment with your claims. Label the subject of your claim with [claim] series name - character name.
You have until the end of the month to donate these decks before the claims expire! Claims are only for the current month. You cannot claim to donate for future months. You may only claim up to the same number of decks you're allowed to donate each month.
Donations after this comment will count as your April donations, to be released in May!
At the end of this month, there'll be a comment resetting everyone's limits. (roughly around midnight PST time)
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