Congratulations to
mongoosehwrs and
ulquiorrasch for winning the Grand Prize of January's Lottery!
Pick numbers. GET LUCKY!
It's time for LOTTERY!!
Spiffy Rules!
✘ Each ticket costs 1 card. You give up the cards that you use to buy the tickets - they'll all be transferred into Recycled Art at the end of the round. Normal and special cards both have the same card worth, so it makes no difference. The only cards you can't use to buy your tix are signatures.
✘ Post both cards AND names of the cards when you want to purchase tickets. Otherwise, you're not getting your tix. :0
✘ List them in order. Makes things so much easier.
✘ You can buy a maximum of 5 tickets. ALL 5 tickets must be different!
✘ Prizes are predetermined and recorded in a screened comment before each round of lottery starts, which is why you can't comment until I'm done screening the comment detailing which numbers contain which prizes.
✘ Prizes stack! So if out of your five tickets, you have a ticket that awards 2 cards, two tickets that award 4 cards, one ticket awarding 1 crayon and one blank ticket, you get a total of 10 cards and 1 crayon! Neat, huh?
✘ Prizes are given out on the last day of the month.
✘ tl;dr: 3 things to post when you want to buy tickets:
-list in alphabetical order [[cards with numbers for decknames go first]] the images of the cards you're using to buy your tix
-list in alphabetical order [[cards with numbers for decknames go first]] the names of the cards you're using to buy your tix
-the tix that you want. You can buy a maximum of 5
Spiffy prizes!
-Thirteen tickets award nothing!
-Five tickets award a prize of 2 cards each
-Three tickets award a prize of 4 cards each
-Two tickets award a prize of 1 crayon each
-One ticket awards a prize of 4 cards and 1 crayon!
-One ticket awards our grand prize for the month: for Lottery 30 you get a special treat - winners will be able to choose one from all Grand Prizes ever featured in Colors Lottery rounds. Nice, right?
This round ends on February 28th CLOSED NOW! Good luck!! o/