Hi again everyone! The last round has finally been wrapped up, so here's a new task from Izaya! This time he's got his eyes on cards from the Code Geass Series, so get him those to get some random cards in return! If you're extra fast and you get this completed in two weeks, everyone who contributed will receive a random crayon as well~
Please see rules below for details!
- Only cards from the following decks will be accepted: Zero, Knightmare, Witch, Tristan, Rebel, Blind and Swimming
- There cannot be two cards of the same number
- Each member may donate 2 cards per week
- No more than 4 cards of the same deck will be accepted
- You receive 2 random cards for each card you contribute
- A new week starts each Friday when I post a notification in the community
- There'll be a random crayon as special reward for everyone who donated if this closes by December 10th
Week 1:
ratiosu donated swimming05 and swimming12
enfacade donated blind03 and blind14
maya_chu donated witch17
electrumicity donated witch01
flag donated blind15 and witch16
sleevetug donated swimming08 and witch04
oriharas donated zero18
lorelessmoon donated blind11 and rebel09
moonka donated rebel20 and zero13
kirkland knightmare06
konimi donated rebel02
arushiraoi donated rebel07
chuukoku donated swimming19