Happy 25th everyone! There are only a few days left of 2010, wow. This now brings us to our last day of Colors TCG's advent calendar. I hope you enjoyed sharing a little about yourself each day. I sure loved reading everyone's comments! If you have time, I find it fun going back to previous posts to see what other people have said. I encourage commenting to each other! You're not just having a conversation with the mods after all. *g*
With that said, today's topic is...
Series You've Gotten into or are Thinking of Checking Out Because of the TCG
Have you gotten into or are thinking of checking out any new series after seeing decks of the characters or maybe because other players have been flailing about the series? Or maybe your interest in a certain series has been reignited if you're already a fan of it? I personally love discovering new series through TCGs, which is why I'm interested in this topic. *g*
Alternatively, if you haven't gotten into anything new or haven't thought about checking out new series because of the TCG, what new series are you thinking of watching/reading/playing regardless of whether or not you were influenced by the TCG? Are you anticipating any new anime from the upcoming Winter season? Are there games you're going to snatch up once they're finally released? Are there series you've been wanting to catch up with?
By answering the topic above, you will receive one crayon of your choice and three random cards. Please state in your comment what color crayon you're taking! I will be passing out the random cards~.
You may comment on Advent Calendar posts and receive prizes from them up until December 31st, so if you've missed any days, now is the time to revisit them. :) Happy holidays everyone!