Welcome to the Colors TCG Beauty Pageant! ♥ This is a scavenger hunt game where I'll give specific criteria for "contestants", and you'll find me an image that matches the description.
- There will sometimes be more than one category posted, but there will always be one main category that your image MUST include. The others are treated as extras.
- Your image must feature a single character! This is so that other characters in the same image may be claimed by other people. Your editing skills don't need to be PERFECT; cropping or whiting other characters out in Paint is fine. I'll make an exception to this rule if the other characters in the image don't fit the criteria.
- The character must be from a series that would be able to have a deck. This means only from manga/anime/video games made from East Asian sources.
- No fanart! Official art only.
- Please provide the character's name and the series they're from.
- If a character is claimed by someone else, you can't use them! No, not even if it's a different picture. It's cheating to enter a pageant twice wearing a different outfit ;D
- Prizes will be passed out as you submit entries.
This round's category will be Cell Phones!
Since mine decided to spaz on me today
This round's categories:
☆ REQUIRED: A character using or holding onto a cell phone (Worth 3 random cards)
☆ The character is wearing something brown -or- the phone has a charm/strap attached to it (Worth 1 card)
☆ The character is wearing something brown -and- the phone has a charm/strap attached to it (Worth 1 crayon)
You can earn a total of 4 cards and 1 crayon this round. Submit your answers by March 29!