Rukia loves drawing, and that's all fine and dandy. The only problem is...she's not very good at it!
Who thought it was a good idea to photocopy a perfectly all right drawing!? It's hard to tell what her classmates are thinking sometimes. Help us identify the card which the original drawing was based on!
Tell me the correct answer and you'll receive two cards - this round ends on 25 July, Asia time is CLOSED.
Okay, artists! If you guessed starfish17 for the previous round, you were right!
By the way, is this game too hard or too easy? I was hoping to strike a balance, and I'd like to seek feedback about the difficulty level. Do you think there should be more difficult rounds or vice versa? Keep the border color? Change them secretly? Or change them but let you guys know that they have been changed? Any and all comments are appreciated!