Today will be a fun Halloween! Today, we'll attend the witch's party~
In celebration of this glorious occassion, Maria has made a few tweaks to today's game. Care to take a look?
She has these cards today - and if you're lucky enough to have any cards from the same decks as these cards, you could win prizes too! ;) You can earn a maximum of three cards this way. You will be rewarded for having one card from any of the decks here, but you can't earn additional cards for having two or more cards from one deck. For example, if you have a kora01, you can earn prizes! But you can't earn additional prizes if you have more than one Kora card. I hope that makes sense, I'm terrible at explaining stuff. @_@;
And what's a game without prizes? Remember that the more pairs of cards you form with Maria, the more prizes you'll get!
1 card from any one of the decks shown above: 1 card
2 cards from any two of the decks shown above: 2 cards
3 cards from any three of the decks shown above, same applies to 4 cards from 4 decks, 5 cards from all 5 decks, you get the idea: 3 cards
1 exact match: 2 cards
2 exact matches: 4 cards
3 exact matches: 5 cards
4 exact matches: 6 cards, 1 random crayon
5 exact matches: 7 cards, 2 random crayons
Comment with a link to the post containing the card(s) you want to match. This round ends on 07 November, Asia time. is CLOSED. Guh, no matter how much I rewrite this post, it looks confusing to me. +_+; Kindly post any questions here so that I can get back to you asap!
Trick or treat...? Kihihihihihihi~