Welcome to the Bethany Joy 300,000 Member Award post!! For this special celebration, the board decided to put together a list of member awards in order to really celebrate the 300,000 posts! This is the first round of two. :) Please try your best to vote for the best fit with each category!
Rules: Please vote for your TOP THREE choices for each category. (Feel free to only put one or two choices, but no more than three.) You can put either screennames or real names but please make sure to specify for those that share a name!
For those without a LiveJournal: If you DO NOT have a LiveJournal, you won't be able to fill out the poll. There are two ways that you can vote instead. I'm going to screen the comments, so feel free to put your three choices for each category in an anonymous post below. Or if you'd prefer, send me a PM on FF. My profile can be found
HERE if you'd rather do it that way. And please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all! :)
Poll Bethany Joy Board 300,000 Awards And please pimp out on your own LJs if you have people on your flist that post at the Bethany Joy board!! Thanks!