Maura's back in the house!!!
I just KNEW
this day would turn out to be awesome!!! i just knew it! okay, so i
felt really really bad again today. Treading into the Land of the
Depressed and in plain few of the Valley of Tears. thats how low i was
feeling..which is pretty low. OKAY WE GET IT, I WAS LOW!!!
but then my saviour (Leilizzle) came to my rescue and chatted to me
forever and made me feel all happy and whatnot and its awesome and im
so happy now so THANKS to leila for that. im well chuffed. and she
might be coming round on tuesday! maura/leila fun time!
ALSO, reel big fish is on the 19th!!! and thats not too far away!!! so HIP HIP HOORAY FOR REEL BIG FISH!!
(probably even you! unless you're Hitler..then i hate you)