Title: A Touchy Subject Author: veradee Prompts: 11 p.m., cashmere Genre: pre-smut Rating: PG-13 Warning: none Word Count: 3,121 Summary: Severus Snape learns how (un-)pleasant it can be to deviate from one's usual way of dressing.
Hee! I liked it very much. The more I read, the more I was convinced that Snape's sweater had been enchanted. Especially after the part were Snape mentions that it had been a gift from his mother. What mother could resist such a scheme. I really didn't know for sure till the very end(when Snape takes the sweater off and Tonks is still attracted to him) if it was Snape's newly established hotness or a charm that was making the ladies so excited. That was a fun twist.
I really liked how you kept escalating Snap's situation and the women's behavior throughout. Minerva was soo funny, but my favorite part of the whole story was this: "Everyone at Grimmauld Place was asleep. Almost everyone. Because while Molly tried to pretend that Arthur's scratchy chest hair was Snape's soft jumper, as she kissed along her husband's upper body, the only female Order member who hadn't touched that jumper so far was about to do so now."
The thought that the jumper might be enchanted never entered my head, although it probably should have, seeing that we're talking about witches and wizards here. I'm very glad that you pointed it out, though. It's nice to know that a reader might see more in the fic than I thought. :)
Well, Molly. Looks like she isn't satisfied by Arthur alone, doesn't it. ;)
This weekend I watched "Truly, Madly, Deeply", a fabulous movie in which Alan Rickman wears what looks like a black cashmere jumper. This visual cue figured heavily in my imagination when I read your story!
Here's hoping that Snape will continue to dress for success!
Comments 8
This was hot, without being explicit. Really good!
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The more I read, the more I was convinced that Snape's sweater had been enchanted. Especially after the part were Snape mentions that it had been a gift from his mother. What mother could resist such a scheme. I really didn't know for sure till the very end(when Snape takes the sweater off and Tonks is still attracted to him) if it was Snape's newly established hotness or a charm that was making the ladies so excited. That was a fun twist.
I really liked how you kept escalating Snap's situation and the women's behavior throughout. Minerva was soo funny, but my favorite part of the whole story was this:
"Everyone at Grimmauld Place was asleep. Almost everyone. Because while Molly tried to pretend that Arthur's scratchy chest hair was Snape's soft jumper, as she kissed along her husband's upper body, the only female Order member who hadn't touched that jumper so far was about to do so now."
Hee, I always knew Molly was a tigress! Go Molly!
The thought that the jumper might be enchanted never entered my head, although it probably should have, seeing that we're talking about witches and wizards here. I'm very glad that you pointed it out, though. It's nice to know that a reader might see more in the fic than I thought. :)
Well, Molly. Looks like she isn't satisfied by Arthur alone, doesn't it. ;)
Here's hoping that Snape will continue to dress for success!
He might do so, but I suppose in the future he will think twice for which occasion he wears which clothes. ;)
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Well, but Alan Rickman doesn't even need such a jacket, does he? ;)
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