I got a phonecall today.
From Nigel.
From bootcamp.
It was the happiest and saddest thing ever.
I was so excited I was shaking and trying not to cry the whole time.
I had been text messaging with a guy I work with who was trying to get me to come in to work early tomorrow, and I got a call right after my last message, so I answered without really looking. And I didn't recognize his voice right away. He sounded so different.
I was so happy when he said "it's Nige," and right off I told him "oh my god I'm so happy to hear you, I love you so much, baby, how did you get to call me?" And he told me "I guess my DIs think I'm doing good enough and I deserve it." And I told him again that I loved him, and he said "do you?" And it was like my heart broke just knowing that he even entertained the thought that I don't love him. And I told him "of course I love you, honey. I love you so much, I think about you all the time." And he started to choke up a little and said "then how come you never write?" I knew it! I fucking knew it! I told him, "oh honey I've been writing from day one! They're holding it. I've sent 10 letters, I even sent one this morning. I have been so busy, I've been working full time, and just doing so much, and I write every chance I get." And he said "I've got 2 letters from you, 2 from my mom, and one from Tom." I said, "I've sent a lot, and I've been sending them as much as I can." He said the DIs tell them a lot of shit, and I told him "don't listen to them, you know me honey. You know me better than that. I love you and of course I'm going to stick around. I love you so much, baby." He said "I can't wait to get out of here, I want to marry you when I'm out." I told him "God, I want to marry you too, honey. I can't wait." Then he said, "well just so you know this is only a ten minute phone call." I said, "oh sweetie, any time at all is great, I'm so happy to hear your voice." He said "We're going up North, we're packing now." I said "yeah you're going to Pendleton. See, I've been paying attention." He said "yeah my mom sent me that matrix." I said "yeah I have one, I've been marking off the days." Then he told me about all the shit his DI's are doing. He asked me if I knew about Mothers of America, and I told him I didn't. He said "they're the reason the Corps cant do to their recruits what they used to... but they still do a lot of that stuff on Fox Company." I told him I didn't know, and he said "God it's hell here. Did you get my letter about the dickfingers DI? [Yeah I did.] Well, when we first got to the airport we were in the bathroom and I was waiting to get at a urinal and I took too long getting out so my heavy DI, the dickfingers DI, hauled off and hit me in the chest." I said "oh my God honey, I'm so sorry." And he said "and now my platoon is doing IT, it's for Intensive Training... but for the littlest shit they take us outside and drill us in the dirt. We get so dirty and they kick mud in our faces. They can do it whenever for anything for however long they want." I told him "I'm sorry honey, but just like you said in one of your letters, it will just make you that much stronger. I can't even imagine, it must be awful, but you'll be so much stronger for it." He said, "yeah I know I'll be a better person for it. So anyway, how's school going?" I said "oh I'm done with school now." He said, "oh I don't even know what day it is." I said "It's June second." He said "oh God it's only been a month?" I was like "yeah but that's one more month you're done with. Only 2 more. You're already a month in and we're that much closer to being together." And then I heard someone say "Time's up," and he said "okay well I have to go now" and I just kept saying "I love you honey, I love you so much, I'm going to keep writing." And he said "I love you too, bye." And I barely had time to say "I love you, bye" before he had to hang up. I REALLY started freaking out after he hung up... And I still am.