You have GOT to be kidding me

Apr 15, 2007 21:16

We had TWO INCHES of snow yesterday.  Luckily, it got into the 50s today, and the snow is all gone.  But yikes.  Just yikes ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

crankycatlady April 16 2007, 02:30:01 UTC
Nah! We won't think you're a holy roller goody goody until you decide that every sperm is sacred.

I'm sorry about your snow. April? That sucks donkeys.


crazyhappy1 April 16 2007, 15:45:20 UTC
Snow this time of year is such a pain! We had that this past week either on Tuesday or Wednesday (I've tried to forget about it). Thankfully it's all gone here now too. That really is freaky when you just get that feeling that whatever you're doing is just the right thing. Good luck with "OBAPC". I hear ya on not wanting to come off as some preachy, devout Catholic. Although I have my own personal beliefs and I do attend church regularly, I certainly am not perfect and I still hate judging people.

Hope the weather is nice for you this week!

Nikki :D


colz85 April 16 2007, 16:32:22 UTC
We have sun today, so that's good! If I have churchy questions, can I ask you? And just feels like this is the path I should follow. Exciting, scary and peaceful, all at once!


crazyhappy1 April 16 2007, 17:03:30 UTC
Yay for the sun!! You can absolutely ask me anything you'd like. I may not know the answer (I've been feeling pretty stupid about obvious things lately) but I'll be happy to answer if I can. :)


tudorlady April 16 2007, 17:28:26 UTC
Speaking as someone who was Really Seriously Catholic (by birth and education), are you sure this is something you can live with? I didn't so much leave the church as it left me (remember, I was the one who was seriously looking at contemplative orders). This gang does not have a good reputation WRT its' attitude toward women (and married, deliberately CF women even moreso). This wasn't as much of an issue back in the late 70s when I was getting out - it seems a lot more pernicious now.

I'm one of those people who, if "in for a penny, in for a pound". While I find a lot of the rituals comforting, and much of it speaks to something in my deepest historical layers (I'm not sure that makes sense), my conscience won't allow me to cherry-pick a religion. Please be sure you know what you're signing up for.


colz85 April 16 2007, 17:32:04 UTC
Oh yes. And that's why I asked those questions of my cousin. And at the parish I have been attending..I've been seeing women quite involved, up to giving communion. Perhaps it's because I attended the Lutheran church for awhile, where women have NO role other than women's league and altar guild (where they get to essentially do the sacred laundry and dishes), but I've been pleasantly surprised by what I have seen.

There are also some fantastic women in my own family, left wing liberals all, who are an example to me.


plainoldt April 18 2007, 17:23:06 UTC
i'm still wating for day to get his practice marriage annulled so we can get married in the church.

its important to me, but not anything urgent, if that makes sense.


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