So I decided to get Unforgiven tonight since I didn't get Summerslam..And here's my thoughts.
Jeff losing to Nitro sux my nutz..But I guess that will keep the fude going a bit longer *shrugs*
Wooo hoo Team Extreme together again...Kind of..
That was deff interesting.Now I deff see a Hardy Boyz reunion coming soon. Even if its just one night.
I really didn't need to see Vince's Ass not Big Show's ass tonight.Its really not needed.It makes me ill *dies*
Wooo hooo Lita finally did a moonsault tonight..
That was sooooo awesome..She still has it.And of course Trish won and with a sharp shooter at that.
Yah know when the writers and such let Carlito go,he pulls out some nice moves.
I'm amused at the fact that the Canadians are trying to be like us peeps with there chants.
Blah Edge losing sux balls..Nuff said.