Nov 03, 2004 09:24
woke up with that sick feeling that we have four more years of Bush...58,299,511 voted bush, as my man tech would say it just means 58,299,511 americans are dumb as shit!...
im off to work, and im late so ill write later...
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Comments 6
Like I said last night, it IS a bitter sweet thing. So many people showed up but the problem was these people probably got into politics at the last minute and voted on all the wrong things. My thinking was well if thats what the people want then damn, so be it, but I'm sure if people really knew what was up they wouldn't really feel that way. But like you mentioned even after movies like 9/11 people still don't seemed to be phased, so damn who knows. Hopefully next election the masses that joined at the last minute will have matured their political views enough to elect the RIGHT PERSON.
(WASHINGTON DC- Bush: 9%, Kerry: 90%)"
LOL, I thought that was great.
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