
Nov 03, 2004 09:24

woke up with that sick feeling that we have four more years of Bush...58,299,511 voted bush, as my man tech would say it just means 58,299,511 americans are dumb as shit!...

im off to work, and im late so ill write later...

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Comments 6

yayazen November 3 2004, 08:59:38 UTC
It's ok if this motherfucker won. That means Mrs. Clinton will be running next election. *grin*


comandanteluis November 4 2004, 05:42:57 UTC
well yeah, i see it like this...4 more years, what sucks is that yeah it will give him the opportunity to solve "our" current situation(and i use the term "our" not including myself lol)...but we will loose even more through out these for years as Bush will impose and enforce his way upon us and the international community...Lets hope the Dems can come up with someone who the people will trust and vote for, even though i think there party is week at the moment with Mrs.Clinton haveing to prove her self worthy in these next four years...


Temporarily breaching the boycott.... :P _shepacksa35 November 3 2004, 12:54:30 UTC
:/ I saw Kerry's concession speech in school. Kerry wasn't my candidate of choice (then again neither was Bush) but it was actually really sad to hear him speak. I almost gave in to the whole "aww what a nice guy" thing.

Like I said last night, it IS a bitter sweet thing. So many people showed up but the problem was these people probably got into politics at the last minute and voted on all the wrong things. My thinking was well if thats what the people want then damn, so be it, but I'm sure if people really knew what was up they wouldn't really feel that way. But like you mentioned even after movies like 9/11 people still don't seemed to be phased, so damn who knows. Hopefully next election the masses that joined at the last minute will have matured their political views enough to elect the RIGHT PERSON.


Oh and... _shepacksa35 November 3 2004, 12:55:39 UTC
"even his neighbors don't like him much
(WASHINGTON DC- Bush: 9%, Kerry: 90%)"

LOL, I thought that was great.


Re: Oh and... comandanteluis November 4 2004, 05:55:37 UTC
yeah I saw that last night and its really funny nobody wants here wants him there...sorta like that mean ass neighbor that calls the cops for everything...lets egg his house tonight! lol


Re: Temporarily breaching the boycott.... :P comandanteluis November 4 2004, 05:52:28 UTC
Well u almost gave him the aww what a nice guy thing because the dude is a nice guy...which some feel resulted in him losing the election...with all the attacks and misleading statements made of kerry, he should have done more to defend himself his stance and expose the negative of the other parties campain...everyone had the idea that kerry was pro gay marriges when he wasnt, an idea that the neo-cons planted in many peoples minds...that kerry was gonna be soft on the war, Wrong his plan was to get more troops in but to stablize the place and start getting people back home begining in six months...on the issue of immigration kerrys views are about equal with bushs...well then again kerry was playing a game as well trying make himself liked by to many different sides of the field...oh well Mr. Nice guy at least you wont have to take the blame for the down fall of huamanity:)


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