(no subject)

Dec 15, 2003 02:13

Drinking poisonously sugared juice after sleeping for eleven hours and knowing it's around twelve more before you go pick up your new toy plus scanning your friends page leads to this:

A. Copy this list into your journal.
B. Bold the items we have in common.
C. Replace the other items with things about you.

As as aside, I'm going to make use of my favourite, the tags.

01. I have a gap in my two front teeth, but they are not big enough to be called buckteeth.
02. I cancel social plans for no reason other than that I don't want to leave the house.
03. I play guitar, although not exceptionally well. I hope to improve after buying an acoustic guitar next year. I just need to buy strings and, um, practice.
04. My room is too small to keep neat, but at least it's clean-just messy.
05. I have my learner's license, solely to use as ID.
06. I love randomly racing people.
07. Winter is my favourite season, although I'm not terribly fond of the cold.
08. Subtle grammatical errors in the writing of others bother me more than they should. (God, yes.)
09. I'm double-jointed like whoa. I can make it look like I've disjointed my fingers.
10. I eat ice cream in the winter, while sitting outside with no coat or gloves or scarf, in the wee hours of the morning.
11. I will never again buy a pair of shoes that take more than twenty seconds to don or doff. Que ridiculo.
12. Music is therapeutic to me.
13. I can't stand when people yell at each other.
14. My legs are often too long for whatever I sit in.
15. I usually carry around two bottles of lotion and a stick of deodorant. I know a lot of people who do this; one guy I know added to that a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush.
16. I can't stand people who refuse to conform for the sake of not conforming.
17. I believe that at the age of eighteen, self-knowledge should become one's primary pursuit, to the exclusion of all else, until at least a basic level of self-awareness is reached. !!!!!!!!!!!
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. My wisdom teeth have stopped growing, and I am halfway worried.
20. Despite my aversion to Disney, I have a really, really soft spot for Alice in Wonderland and Dumbo.
21. I've dyed my hair before.
22. My closest friends are the ones who know me best because they can know me. Many people can't.
23. More of my impulse purchases are for others than for myself.
24. The older I get, the more tolerance I lose for the shallow, but I do have more respect. Does that make sense?
25. There are few no genres of music I do not enjoy on some level.
26. I have a dangerous tendency towards alcohol as an emotion-numbing agent. This has led to trouble in the past.
27. I am so fucking upset I can't follow my brother and his girlfriend back to Brooklyn in January. Stupid lack of money.
28. When I'm new to people (offline), I giggle uncontrollably. The exception was when I met Courtney, but she's calming enough.
29. I wish I were more artistic.
30. I wish I read more.
31. I want to take up fencing.
32. I want to make my own wardrobe. I plan on stealing many of the pillowcases here in hopes I can make shirts from them.
33. I am SO annoyed by most anti- commercials/ads (the anti-pot, the anti-smoking...).
34. Most of my friends are like [family] to me.
35. I usually come up with the right thing to say 15 minutes after the moment has passed. !!!!!!
36. I am not an extrovert, but I'm not exactly an introvert, either.
37. I love singing along to music, to a degree that is probably unhealthy.
38. I measure my pulse rate randomly.
39. I much prefer window shopping to shopping sprees.
40. I wish I were good at writing creatively.
41. I find it very difficult to cry in front of people, even if I want to. I hang up on people, I leave; I don't even stay online.
42. My hands feel like I've never done a single day's work in my life, despite the fact I've put them through more than someone my age should.
43. I own three cameras: a digital, a SLR, and a TLR.
44. Most of my family is allergic to everything. My cousins have severe allergies to dust, almost everyone has an allergy to pine, and my father is somehow allergic to incense. I'm a freak cos I'm not allergic to anything at all.
45. I need to get outside more. I've stopped my daily walks. Damn it.
46. I [am] unemployed, but desperately searching.
47. I need my hair to grow. Damn it.
48. I have a desperate need for social interaction, just not much of it.
49. I am addicted to Livejournal, despite the fact that it has ruined me as a writer.
50. I am hopelessly messy, but at the same time I am hopelessly neat.
51. Songs hold memories for me, but no matter the memory, they aren't ruined. That is, I won't refuse to listen to one because of the memory.
52. I should eat healthier. (I won't.)
53. I am fortunate in that my current lifestyle keeps me from encountering many people from my past. (Happy December 15th!)
54. I should send more snail mail.
55. These past few months, for the first time in my life, I have begun to consider my brother a friend. This makes me happy.
56. I am a sponge; I draw almost entirely on the energy of others and produce very little of my own. This is why I prefer live music and theatre to recordings: having an audience around me to draw on enhances the experience tenfold for me. Actually, a lot of people say being around me has some effect on them. Some people say I make them very excited and happy, and others say I calm them a lot.
57. I have absolutely no sense of perspective.
58. I have no aspirations to be rich. Don't take my want to win millions of dollars as me wanting to be rich. I just want to get out of the live-by-paycheck-if-I-lose-this-job-I'll-lose-everything lifestyle I've had to live. I'd give most away, and keep enough to ensure that I'll always be financially stable.
59. I should take more pictures.
60. I love singing. [snip]
61. My ability to take a compliment is inversely proportional to the kindness of that compliment. The more effusive the praise, the more awkward I become.
62. One of my biggest grammatical pet peeves is the misuse of "less" versus "fewer".
63. I always have to walk into stores like Bath & Body Works when I pass them.
64. I want to have kids someday. [snip] I battle this internally, a lot.
65. I keep good luck charms and do all the superstitious stuff (knocking on wood, trying not to jinx myself, crossing fingers and holding breath when I pass a cemetary), but I don't even believe in all that.
66. My teeth are set on edge by faux profundity, worse the more profound the speaker believes it to be. (That, or I just laugh in their face.)
67. I yawn often. I've tried breathing deeper and slower and quickly but fast, but nothing seems to be working.
68. Baggy pants are the most comfortable. Obviously.
69. The catastrophically big deal society makes out of women shaving (or not) their body hair confuses the hell out of me. !!!!!!!!!!!
70. I write notes on my hand so I don't forget them. And then I forget to look at my hand.
71. I recently accepted the fact that yes, I sound like a little girl.
72. Angst bothers me a lot. Being upset or angry is one thing, but going on for weeks at a time about how worthless and hopeless you are is something that wears my patience very thin. I know of few people who would disagree with this.
73. I can shoot a gun very well.
74. The daylight aggravates me.
75. I like to make other people smile. Or look at me with a "What the shit?!" face.
76. Usually, I have a hand over my heart (as if I'm sympathising with an imaginary person) or a finger on my chin (as if I'm philosophising).
77. I hate to catch someone in a lie; it damages my impression of them forever.
78. I would have liked to become a nurse if I had a stronger stomach. My stomach's strong enough, and I would have looked into LND (labour and delivery) nursing, but my mind changes too much.
79. I will listen to a song I like a million times over and then not again until months later. "Only in Dreams" comes to mind.
80. I think that I've got a pretty good intuition, but I'm afraid to depend on it most of the time I just ignore it all the time.
81. I put up a fight if I'm told I'm cute or attractive but I'm actually quietly flattered.
82. I think mentally I'm older than I am physically, and behaviour-wise, I'm much younger.
83. I feel terrible when I say "You're welcome." I feel like I'm being condescending.
84. I am a simple person and try to live a simple life. The world is far too complex for my liking.
85. I dislike closed minded people: again, an opinion shared by the majority.
86. I like salty, crunchy snacks. A lot.
87. I can't decide which is more irritating: unfailing optimism or unfailing pessimism.
88. I use people's arguments against them as a way to not throw things in their face. Or else I do intend to throw it in their face, if they are being stupid.
89. I am completely taken with houses that have grandiose archways. If I ever needed to buy a house, one of the things I'd pay attention to is how the archway looks.
90. I like learning useless things.
91. I have a weak will.
92. I like big, gaudy jewelry.
93. I am not photogenic.
94. I like most things vintage.
95. To me, running jokes are the funniest jokes.
97. Around me I keep my sock monkey, stuffed toy panther from my school, purple teddy bear, three bars of organic soap, four rubber duckies, Groundskeeper Willie figure, little rubber rabbit, Homer soap, Homer and Marge Pez dispenser, and a giant Hershey kiss.
98. I like to think that I have a good understanding of love, at least as I experience it.
99. I have dropped friends for being too immature.
100. Beauty-in art, in nature, in people-sometimes spontaneously moves me to tears. I find this an absurd trait to possess.

stolen from invasion1
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