Good Cookies: Prompt and Fill Post, Round Three

Dec 10, 2012 21:52

Good Cookie, definition: 1. Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal; 2. Generation Kill fanworks created for YAGKYAS. Can include short (under 1000 words) ficlets, drabbles, drawables, mixtapes, fanart, whatever!

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challenge: yagkyas, challenge: good cookies

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Comments 87

templemarker December 11 2012, 05:56:24 UTC
Exhausted mod goes first!

Rudy/Pappy, LA living.


amoama December 11 2012, 21:26:46 UTC
^ Umm I don't know what LA living so I can't imagine this comes too close to what you were after but I hope you like it anyway. Also, Trombley. And warnings for homophobic language/attitude ( ... )


amoama December 11 2012, 21:27:10 UTC
As they get to the car Trombley remembers the chutney again and, when he explains, Rudy and Pappy exchange a look ( ... )


templemarker December 11 2012, 21:49:02 UTC
Awwwww! I love it. Great job. And bonus Trombley!


fandomfan December 11 2012, 06:11:03 UTC
Brad/Nate, new holiday traditions


fandomfan December 11 2012, 06:12:33 UTC
Ray/anyone (or just Ray), inventing lyrics to Christmas (and/or Hanukah, in deference to Brad and equal-opportunity prompting) carols


perpet_fic December 19 2012, 06:31:46 UTC

"Here comes Hanukah Day. It is super-gay. Eight days of presents is just bullshit for peasants."

Brad doesn't even open his eyes. He's trying to catch twenty minutes, figuring it's all he'll get if he doesn't . "Weak as fuck," he says.

"Hanukah's hard to rhyme, dude. Why can't you just be a Christian so we can rip off all the good songs?"

Before Brad can inform Ray that he really doesn't want to hear any songs regardless of religious denomination, Ray bursts into song again.

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
scope the family over the berm
fuck up their shit
make the liberals squirm

"It's March, Ray," Brad says, still not opening his eyes.

"Gotta get into the spirit early, Bradley. If they can put up the Christmas trees at Wal-Mart in August, we can totally start caroling in March."

"If you don't shut up, I'm gonna dig a grave, bury you in it, and leave you there."

Ray's response is, predictably, another song:

Jingle Bells, Bradley Smells ( ... )


dargai December 19 2012, 11:46:58 UTC
Oh wow, Bradley. You're your own version of psycho when you try! You did sleep deprivation scarily well. I can't say I've ever used those words, but I've definitely made some death threats at the end of finals weeks.

And thanks to Ray, I'm going to have some trouble with my carols come Saturday.


perpet_fic December 29 2012, 03:33:06 UTC
I might have some experience with sleep dep. And by "some" I mean "lots." Brad does not like to threaten, but Brad also does not like getting his sleep interrupted by Ray's screeching. It's a double-edged sword, you know.


rei17 December 11 2012, 10:35:02 UTC
Brad/Nate: Sick on Christmas Eve


dargai December 11 2012, 14:15:33 UTC
*flails* Have some schmoop where boys like to take care of each other ( ... )


templemarker December 11 2012, 18:27:44 UTC
Aww, this was just great!


dargai December 11 2012, 22:33:56 UTC
It is unabashedly, teeth-achingly schmoopy, is what it is. Glad you liked it!


rei17 December 11 2012, 10:38:02 UTC
Banner/Header: Brad/Ray/Nate (gen, OT3 or any combination), something sweet with light, soft colors


perpet_fic December 12 2012, 22:28:53 UTC
Do you have a particular size in mind? I'd love to try and build you something.


rei17 December 12 2012, 22:31:05 UTC
Oh, anything would be lovely! <3
I often use 800 x 500 - but that's really tall, so anything smaller would do just fine. Thanks in advance. ♥


perpet_fic December 13 2012, 10:16:58 UTC

... )


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