For every Betrayal, there will be Forgiveness

Nov 03, 2005 22:10

All that I ever wanted
to understand my nightmares
possessed by my fears
betrayed by my Pride
alone i wandered in the deepest dark
seeking comfort from the vanity
each time i escaped the real
my soul died, died a bit more
confronting the evil within
praying for my angel to appear
agonized whisper into the emptiness
begging for salvation-salvation for this ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

b3lial November 4 2005, 23:10:25 UTC
damn emo kids, pretty good though


dribilie November 5 2005, 00:27:09 UTC
going emo on us now??


goodmourning_ November 5 2005, 01:02:41 UTC
Going emo? He's been emo.


dribilie November 5 2005, 01:30:37 UTC
sorry i forgot...its like homosexuality...he finally came out of the emo a poem...a sad poem!!!


bisforxbeauty November 5 2005, 01:39:04 UTC
A sad poem which he has, no doubt, secretly read on one of those poetry nights at some underground cafe with the dim lights and all the men in black and the bongo drums playing where they do interpretive dance while they read off their wicked-rad emo poems and tap, not clap, for each other because they're different.... YESSSSSSSSS.....


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