
Nov 12, 2005 10:53

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Comments 5

xpasdamourx November 12 2005, 17:47:29 UTC
you really were adopting a pokemon...


dribilie November 12 2005, 19:34:00 UTC
what the fuck is wrong with you??on second thought dont answer that


bisforxbeauty November 12 2005, 21:49:35 UTC
Okay. It looks like he's about to have a baby by the way his stomach poofs out and in. That's wrong.


goodmourning_ November 12 2005, 21:59:34 UTC
That's not his stomach you goof. It's his back.


bisforxbeauty November 15 2005, 04:14:21 UTC
Well I know it's his back but doesn't it lok like he's about to have an alien baby? You know those things don't really care where they're popping out of...


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