I've decided every ones getting hand made gloves for christmas, by handmade i mean i myself shall be making them. They shall keep you deliciously warm, i promise.
so i did something realllllly stupid, i nearly got caught because of it. I prayed and prayed and prayed and it was resolved in a very painful manner. so it struck me for some reason that it would be a good idea to do something less stupid but a lot more noticeable, i am such a fucking idiot
I take it back, you cant have this much good luck without a karmic backlash. It seems no one is ever happy unless their life is like an episode of Eastenders i give up entirely.
So Mohammad won't come to the mountain. but if the mountain goes to Mohammad then he'll realise just how much he's needed, and imagine what that will do to his ego.... By the time i know what to do, there wont be much mountain left. Bloody prophets
No, this isn't just a chance to slip in a Garbage song title where ever i can but honestly, I think I'm Paranoid. Its getting worse... Vanessa, Find Emily i need get this off my chest.