
Feb 03, 2010 09:39

A few things happened during (and partly causing) my prolonged absence, so I thought I'd provide a quick update!

Short update on Why I Broke Up With Boyfriend R... )

winter depression, uni, life

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Comments 9

mssnowy February 3 2010, 10:51:44 UTC
Yay for london, your BA and jane austen :) Big hug for the break up!

i am now on the sick list with gastroenteritis.
I am so nauseous. :( So, I might not be in uni tomorrow.


comeshootwithme February 4 2010, 08:14:07 UTC
Aw, that sucks. It lasted only a day for me though. Hope you'll be there!


fenjer February 3 2010, 11:44:31 UTC
Yay to all the Yayful stuff!

Even the break up with R, because you realised you had to end it and were strong enough to do so (unlike me and HWMBO) so Kudos to you hon.



comeshootwithme February 4 2010, 08:14:49 UTC
Yeah I was wondering if I wasn't too quick about breaking it off, but I'm just not that enthusiastic about him, so... Focusing on the good stuff in life right now!


eers February 3 2010, 16:56:59 UTC
We used the Avenue Q song in a presentation for the language lab last year. It was hilarious :P (though not as good as the trial featuring Julie xD)

Also, 13 weeks of Austen sounds very very good. :D


comeshootwithme February 4 2010, 08:15:43 UTC
I'm looking forward to the Jane Austencourse! But it's going to be tough, apparently - lots and lots of detail, but I'll enjoy it I'm sure.
Using AveQ in language lab sounds like the best idea ever, bahhaha. Wish I could've seen that!


death_flower February 4 2010, 16:55:31 UTC
Welcome back!

I've taken a pregnancy test before when I was 99.9% sure I had no bun in the oven but you're right, it is so nerve-wracking! x


comeshootwithme February 4 2010, 19:38:28 UTC
It is, isn't it? I mean, you really just never know... Even if you think you know. I was glad the test was negative though :D


london_fan February 4 2010, 21:44:58 UTC
The lack of experience and understanding is a deal-breaker if you want someone who's there for you when you need them to be.

Lol at the wrong bridge for the fireworks! :)

I'm waiting for this winter to end and every time I think we're finally there, it starts to snow again! :(


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