All Better (and warm!) Now.

Feb 17, 2010 21:22

I called the repairman for my broken heater, and he could come nearly right away.  Normally, I have my day off on Thursday, so I called work and said I'd swap - stay home today, come in tomorrow. Boss D tried to object, but I just cut in saying "look, it's not going to matter whether I stay home today or tomorrow, it's 14 degrees Celcius in my ( Read more... )

winter depression, life

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Comments 10

rymrytr February 17 2010, 20:49:55 UTC

And buying the Earrings was a the best part! :o)


comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 20:53:52 UTC
Well, yes. LOL. Although the Hot Shower ranked quite high, too.


fenjer February 17 2010, 21:03:14 UTC
YAY for hot water and heating! I still do a happy dance when my heating comes on... :)

SHOPPING! New Ear-Rings! :D

I wrote a list of everything i needed to pay this month... *is depressed* But it is almost the end of February - Shoe Shops Beware!


comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 21:06:53 UTC
The earrings were all 50% off and they weren't very expensive to start with, so even though I haven't got much money this month either, I got myself some :D Shoeshopping is even better, but I think there's a bill being currently passed in parliament prohibiting Comeshootwithme to buy any more shoes this year. Oops.
Enjoy your shopping when the time comes!


fenjer February 17 2010, 21:20:58 UTC
I contest that Bill... go to Brussels!! Human rights and all that! :)

I wont have any money for shopping for all of March... that is distressing! The thought of Two Months without shoes and several without sex is too much to bear!


comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 21:39:45 UTC
Yes, that really CANNOT be, and since the shoes are the quickest and easiest to remedy (well, usually, lol) I'd say: go for the shoes - and then go for the rest, too.... haha.


eers February 17 2010, 22:11:42 UTC
Ah, yay! Working central heating is win. Also, earrings.

The modern age... it totally beats outdoor toilets and brushing your teeth with chalk, doesn't it? :P


comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 22:19:44 UTC
I've also changed my bedsheets and put my extra-hugely-thick-fluffy duvet on my bed. I nevereverever want to be as cold again as I was last night.

And indeed, I forgot to list toothbrushes, but they come under the header of "things I love about living in the modern age", too. Also, soft toilet paper :D


london_fan February 17 2010, 22:31:09 UTC
A round of applause for Mr. LifeSavingRepairMan! ;)


comeshootwithme February 18 2010, 05:33:01 UTC
Quite rightly! Everything still works! Mmmm going to take a nice shower now... lol.


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