Cold Neighbours and Lots of Lager

Feb 19, 2010 19:45

As it turns out, the central heating repairman who was here last Wednesday didn't fix my boiler as well as he - and I - thought he did. Quite the contrary, in fact.

In the process of rewiring the boiler, he came across an apparently pointless bit of electric wire disappearing into the wall. He cut it off, some time later my boiler worked, I got warm ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

eers February 19 2010, 19:56:34 UTC
You'd be amazed at the things some people buy in a supermarket. There's somebody who gets ten flasks of lamp oil. Twice a week or so. I wondered if maybe they were going to drink it, but I figured I'd better not ask. :P

Also... central heating EEEEK. Good that you didn't die. I still have your books. :P Do your neighbours know they're cold because of your boiler? Heh. xD


comeshootwithme February 23 2010, 09:36:06 UTC
The lamp oil person sounds scary. I hope he/she isn't planning to flood all of Leiden with it.

Heating eek-> if I'd died, you would've been welcome to've kept the books :-) But I'm glad you're glad I didn't die, lol. And I didn't tell my neighbours... hehehe.


fenjer February 19 2010, 20:00:23 UTC
I have to admitI LMAO just then...

pointless bits of wire and girly screams...



comeshootwithme February 23 2010, 09:36:29 UTC
LOL. Yeah, it was quite amusing. :-)


rymrytr February 19 2010, 21:45:00 UTC

You can, indeed, laugh. As long as all is well and no one was hurt, than go ahead and giggle. :o)


comeshootwithme February 23 2010, 09:36:58 UTC
I think that's the purpose of life: be surprised & giggle (as long as no-one gets hurt indeed).


london_fan February 20 2010, 22:18:15 UTC
Ouch! Looks like that awesome repair man wasn't that awesome after all. Hope everything is fixed by now!


comeshootwithme February 23 2010, 09:37:27 UTC
The repair man couldn't have known, really... it's still an ongoing story but at least I'm not cold!


Аудио-курс от НЛП-Тренера anonymous January 17 2011, 03:38:16 UTC
[url=]Дизайн внутренних состояний[/url]


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