4.7. "You can spent minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months overanalyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on."
Co-written with
texas33forever Taylor sighed and rubbed a hand over her face as she stood in front of the cells. He other hand was on her hip as she slowly shook her head with a small groan and soon went up to the bars to look tiredly at the cell occupant. "Ya' ain't so smart, ya' know that?" she offered, her fingers curling around one of the bars. "This is my last day, and I'm only here as a favour."
Tim Riggins was smirking and gave a small shrug from where he was lounging on the cot in the corner of the room. "Figured I'd take m'chances when I ain't got nothin' to lose. Even brought m'own bail money. Well, it technically ain't mine, it's J's, but he won't mind if I borrow if for awhile," he decided and pushed up off the bed to go over to the bars where she was standing on the other side. "I'd say it's good t'see ya', but dude, ya' lookin' rough. Kinda like the Bride of Chucky, only hotter."
"Well, thanks, Riggs, 'preciate it," Taylor snorted, shaking her head again. "Compliments like that, it ain't any wonder ya' chicks keep droppin' off ya' like flies. So, ya' come prepared. This some nutball scheme t'get my attention and get me back t'Dillon? I ain't goin', babe. I can't. What did ya' do? How hard am I gonna have to work t'get the charges dropped?" It was then that the warden sniggered and looked away, clearly more than aware of what Tim did to get himself arrested and thrown into the cells of the precint where Taylor worked. New York precinct, which was very, very far away from Texas. No wonder her head was spinning trying to figure it out.
"He pissed on a cop car, Mac," the warden offered, smirking. "The rookies were inside, had him shoved in the back quicker than he could say 'Big Apple'."
Taylor closed her eyes briefly and shot Tim an irritated glare. "Ya' dickhead!" she declared with a growl. "Got half a mind t'just leave ya' here. I ain't gonna promise I won't, either. Not til ya' tell me what ya' playin' at! And don't ya' think QB works hard enough for his cash without needin' ya' pinchin' it from him? Where'd ya' tell him ya' were goin' 'cause I know it wasn't here. He wouldn't have agreed to shit like this. Or he'd follow ya' to try an' stop ya'." She suddenly froze and looked behind her, getting a chill up her spine as she wondered if that was exactly what the plan was. What she she really do if Jason did suddenly just appear out of nowhere?
"He ain't here, Mac," Tim had to tell her quietly with a slight shake of his head, watching her face pale slightly. "He ain't wantin' t'chase no one no more. He's too tired. This is why ya' can't keep runnin' 'way from him. Ya' can run, but he can't chase ya', alright? Ain't meanin' he doesn't need ya', 'cause he does. He's real messed up, Mac. Ya' broke his heart. Why'd ya' do that to him? Ya' don't think he's lost enough already? Why couldn't ya' just hurt together? So, I ain't carin' if I have t'get thrown in the slammer for years if ya' just listen t'what I'm sayin'. For J."
Taylor turned her back on the warden so he couldn't see her when her eyes inevitably filled with tears. She quickly brushed them away with her fingers as they started to fall and looked at Tim in exasperation of making her lose it on duty. "Pot, kettle, black, Riggs," she told him, her voice lowered so only he would hear. "Ya' just betrayed him with ya'fuckin ' cock. I killed his baby," she hissed. "I would never have been in that truck that night if it wasn't for ya', so ya' hardly someone I can swallow advice from, alright? Ya' hurt him too. It's why he's better off without us 'round him."
"I wasn't cheatin' on Sam with Lyla!" Tim said, stepping away from the bars and throwing his hands up in exasperation.
"Ya' fuckin' cheated on Jason with her, and she's still sniffing around ya' like a bitch on friggen heat! Why else would Sam have jumped to those conclusions?" Taylor bit back. By now, she didn't care if the warden could hear. It was her last day. It wasn't like they could sack her for being a bitch to aperp. "I ain't sayin' anyone is innocent here. I'm just sayin' ya' gotta stop pointin ' fingers when all this mess comes back to past hurt, Riggs. Scars that maybe ain't ever gonna go away. I know I didn't handle this whole thing the way I should have, but I would have sooner died than hurt him. And I did, and we... we..." she floundered for a moment, glancing back at the warden. No one knew she had been pregnant or lost a baby in the car accident. "We both lost somethin ' that night. I can't be in Dillon no more. I can't be there and pretend it didn't hurt him like it all has. There's too much now to try and bury away. I've run out of places to bury things."
Tim watched her as she exploded, leaning against the bars as he listened to her. "Then don't go t'Dillon. Go to Austin. That's where Six is. He's moved there t'live with Tyra and her new lay. Going this weekend, saw his folks helpin' him pack his truck. Ain't sure he has any plans t'go back t'Dillon either. Without the Dillon argument, give me one good reason why ya' can't chase him. Don't give me the hurt shit. I'll take that crap off ya' when ya' see how much ya'hurtin' him not bein' there."
Taylor's mouth dropped open and she just proceeded to gape at him. Tyra's boyfriend. Silas. He came looking for Taylor online with similar argument to what Tim was offering, only he had made no mention of Jason moving to Austin. Had he? No. No, she would've remembered that. "What?" she gasped, putting a hand up to tug anxiously at her bottom lip. "Why ain't ya'goin ' with him? Is he..." She stopped, dropping her head a little to swallow back more emotion. "Is he really that bad?" she asked in a whisper, looking back up at Tim shamefully.
"He's worse," was Tim's blunt answer, punctuated with another shrug. "Writin' himself off on booze most days. Ain't workin'. Ain't in the right headspace t'do much of anythin'. Think he's 'bout ready t'give up for real this time. Guess Tyra was hopin' t'help him, but I dunno. He really thought ya' were his reason t'live, I guess. Probably just taken one too many knocks," he said, eyes narrowing a little as he thought. "Ya' really tellin' me he ain't ya' reason t'live. Said it's ya' last day here. Get outta New York. I'll drive ya' back to Texas. To Austin."
Word Count | 1,179