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Jan 01, 2010 22:49

So it's another year gone and it was one of big deeds, the biggest of which was getting FE out the door.

So to review last year's:
1. Eat Better
Did well on this one for most of the year and have made some good overall changes in diet. The loss of my exercise routine due to cold weather/health has made this more difficult for the odd reason of "Well I'm not running, so I'm not healthy, so why stay on the healthy foods." So still needs work.

2. Exercise
This summer I was probably in the best shape I've been in in years, which is sad, but it was 25 pounds lighter than I had been since NYC. Unfortunately my body said no to the running program I was on as my knees and feet developed serious problems due to my running regimen and I had to stop. I'm hoping once the weather increases I can take up biking again since it is easier on the feet and knees.

3. Spend more time with friends
Failed this one horribly. Moving across the city did not help at all. Hopefully moving back to Cary this year will help.

4. Get web page and glasses
Failed both of these too.

5. Find an adventure.
Did pretty well on this one thanks to Lindsay. Went to my first political demonstration, saw lots of history, and went to three cities I had never been to before.

6. Get out of tabletop rpg writing except for my own projects.
Yeah, sort of screwed this one up. But it was good work for Green Ronin, Goodman Games, and Blackdirge so at least it was for good people.

So the list for this year.

1. Get healthier.
Sort of combining last years first two into a single resolution. I'm considering joining a gym or some such. It's really annoying the running didn't work out since it also helped exercise my dog. Maybe if I get the really nice orthopedic shoes I can do the running again.

2. Spend more time with friends.
Again, same as before.

3. Web page and glasses.

4. Not buy anymore books until I read all the books I already own/have borrowed.
I have tons of books I have not read, yet I buy more. This makes no sense and i think books are my largest recreation expense.

5. Finish a novel
I've got several started, you'd think I could finish one. Instead of getting out of gaming, i think I should concentrate on achievements elsewhere. Now to figure out what to write.
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