Catching up

Jul 12, 2010 16:28

So I'm back in Raleigh. It's a long story that I can only legally tell part of, but suffice to say California and the job were great, but it didn't work out. I'll give more detailsin person, but due to NDAs with my new job I can't say much, but if you are in Raleigh I would love to hang out.

I'm thinking of playing Eclipse again since KG is wrapping up, shieldhaven has had real good things to say about the game, and I'll be helping run Dust to Dust at least in some capacity and so can't play it. So, folks who play Eclipse, I crave your advice.

I am debating between making a new character and continuing to play Mason Havok, my reporter character. I loved Mason, but he was a very high maintenance character in terms of between events work and I just don't have the skills to make his news videos look cool. Also he didn't really have much use in game and there was no skill path that really screamed for him to pursue. I was thinking of going rogue skills, but my understanding is those are not leveled and more a 1 time expenditure. I would go gun skills, but that's not an option due to those being limited to Imperials (which is my one remaining gripe with the game mechanics, not being able to play a fringer gunslinger when the culture screams for it). So Mason was fun to play wandering around town, but he was about as useful as a bag of hammers so I felt bad going on modules and such as he just sort of sucked up healing without adding much to the mission. Plus lack of gun skills made one of my favorite parts of hte game, shooting nerf guns, not very accessible as a long term strategy. Loved the character, hated the stats is sort of the short version but I can't see a way to make the stats better given the system and concept. Profession Journalism 5 doesn't get you much day to day.

To that end I've thought about playing sort of a Imperial-allied muerlain zen archer/gunfighter. Assuming Imprial allied muerlain can get gunsel.

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