Title: Twitters, Giggles, and Purrs
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Batman
Character/Pairing: Batman/Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge: #113: Twitter
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 457
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to DC Comics, not the author, and are used without permission.
"They twitter so prettily," Ivy croons, grinning.
"Yeah," Harley agrees readily enough despite the pout on her pretty face, "but you won't let me play with them the way I want to. Come on, Red. I wanna cut 'em and see how pretty blood is, if it's pretty like your pretty, little red hair."
"All in due time, Harrrley," Selina purrs throatily, "firrrst I get to have my fun with them. Their Master neverrr should have let them out to play alone."
Ivy laughs as Harley's frown deepens. "We've got all the Batman's little birds. He's never going to forget this one, Catwoman."
"Norrr should he. No man crosses a cat." Peering closer at her diamond necklace, she closes claws around her true target. "The only question is who swings first? Robin, Nightwing, his little dead boy who's suddenly back from the grave?"
"They all come back from the grave," Ivy admits with a sigh. "It never does any good to kill a hero."
"Oh, it's going to do a lot of good to kill this bird." Catwoman's claws slice into her victim just before Harley speaks again.
"I don't get it. Why are we playing this game? I don't see any birds. Are we trying to make the Bat mad?"
"Not exactly," Ivy answers.
Catwoman lifts the bug she's caught in two claws. "It runs far deeper than that, my little clown," she says, purring again. "He's the one who messed up this time. He made me mad. You don't cross a cat, and you don't piss off your woman." She smiles as she imagines Bruce cussing and beating his computer as he tries to get anything but static out of the broken bug. "You definitely don't cross Catwoman."
"I still don't believe he had the nerve to place it in your anniversary present."
"Oh, he'll pay," Selina purrs, and even Harley can see the tail she doesn't really have swishing with her threat. "He'll pay greatly."
A grin slowly carves up Harley's face. "This is going to be fun, isn't it?"
"Oh, yes, Harley."
"There's nothing more fun," Ivy agrees, "than helping a girlfriend cook her bat. So how do you want him, Selina? Just slightly crispy or . . . "
"Burned," Selina growls and slashes the diamonds. The necklace falls to pieces, and the diamonds roll across the table. Her cats pounce after them, but she doesn't. "This time, we're going to teach him a lesson he'll never forget."
Harley's giggle sounds almost as ominous as Catwoman's threat. Selina's smile glows in the shadows that wrap around all three women. No Robins will swing today, but she has a thousand other ways to make the Batman pay, and he will pay three thousand times over before she forgives him for this one.
The End