It’s about less than two week until the artists will be choosing their favorite stories, so we need to know more about your fics.
- This is NOT the claiming post! The claiming of the stories will not be anonymous, because there is no sense in making it secret in a multi-fandom Big Bang. That means the artists will know whose story they are choosing. Most of them already know it anyway :)
- You have until May the 1st to comment here with the summary of your story if you want to advertise it (if you want to keep it secret until claiming, it’s okay to NOT comment).
However, if you didn’t drop out, I will send you a ‘reminder email’ if you don’t comment here with your summary within a week just in case that you are an author but you are not watching this comm. If you don’t respond at all until the rough draft deadline I will consider that you are not interested anymore in finishing the story. There will be no exemptions because the artists should know all the summaries before they decide what story suits them best.
- Your comment should look more or less like that:
Current fic word count:
Characters/pairing if any/rating/warnings/etc:
Do you want an artist? y/n/other
* A summary to sell it to your artist - this is not the same as the summary you would put up when posting, but more of a sell it to someone type of thing, with more detail in it. This should give a good flavor of the story, but doesn't have to give everything away.
Author(s): Fandom/original:
Characters/pairing if any/rating/warnings/etc:
Current fic word count: Do you
want an artist? y/n/other Summary:
- I will make a separate entry for artists’ claiming when the time comes. I will let you know the time later. I live in Poland so you will have to take it into consideration :)
- I will include into the claiming post only the summaries of the stories that I will get the rough drafts before the deadline. So that means that if you comment here with the summary and you won’t send the draft, your summary will not be eligible for claiming.
- If you don’t want an art/a mix created for your story, let us know in the summary. If you want to create the art/mix for your own story, please let us know as well (so I don’t have to look for an artist for you if that’s a rare fandom/pairing/etc or if you are not comfortable working with an artist). However, it’s okay to create an art for your own story AND have another artist as well.
- I say it again: this is NOT the claiming post. You can comment on the summaries here if you wish (and you are encouraged to because it helps the authors a lot when the deadline is so close), but no claiming will count if posted here :)
- If you have any questions, comment here.