Mod here: Do you really consider this appropriate as "genfic"? There may be nobody else involved, but by definition, you are working on a sexual kink bingo square and you need to tread very, very carefully to stay within the community's bounds. I would consider this inappropriate for the community and ask that you think your posting options through a bit more thoroughly next time.
If you think it is inappropriate I can delete it from the comm or you can delete it. However, are you saying that based on the actual content of the drabble or just because I wrote it for kink_bingo? Because they totally allow gen and nonsexual fills as well as G-rated ones and are not all porn. So to answer your question, yes, I as the author consider this gen because it is not about a relationship or about having sex. It is a character piece about the character's attitude to gender presentations, based on the canonical complications the character has regarding that (or at least it is trying to be; far be it from me to say whether I have succeeded or failed in my intent). I read the comm's profile right before posting the drabble here and it says: "General interest fic -- genfic -- for this forum, does not preclude either sex or relationships (homosexual or heterosexual). It can have sex, violence, adult language, adult situations. It can be rated G, PG, PG-13, or R. But romance and sexual situations should not be the focus or purpose of the
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